TT Pt Chev Meeting 10 July 2012

Present: Adrian, Guido, Adrienne, Bruce

Apologies: Matt, Nicki, Keith, Yolanda, Jenny (Chris who arrived after meeting closed).


Fruit Trees:


Meeting with Simon Cook on Premier Ave. Approval for 20 trees. Meeting June 23rd: Keith, Nicki, Yolanda, Ali, Adrian, Adrienne met to look at the site. Soil not great. Struggle to do sub tropicals due to soil quality. Enquiries to be made by Adrienne about Yvonne’s Avocado tree – care taken with it to nurture? Research to be done as to whether playground expected to be developed.

Waiting on Keith to get best trees sorted.

5 trees coming from Mt Eden Village People

Other 15 trees to be funded thru TPC, SALT and Council.

Potential to develop green space on Walmer

Maintenance required: mulch, prune, water thru first summer, feed periodically, compost. Use their organic coconut spray to get rid of kikuya.

Citrus, Apple, pear, persimmon, feijoa, banana, plums.




Adrienne is asking for interest on looking further into Battery recycling options in NZ. Last we heard, Deryn discovered our only option to be Safe Disposal rather than recycling. Petition local govt? National Govt? Futher research to be done first, and talk with Judith in MEVP. Guido interested in joining the Battery sub committee. Others? Send expressions of interest to Adrienne.


Zero Energy House (Tui Rd) has welcomed TPC to visit the premises at a convenient time in the next few months. Details to be confirmed.


No further business so meeting closed and was followed by a fermented food and beverages tasting session that met with a mixed response...

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