Richard Heinberg - Life After Growth

Richard Heinberg will complete his Australian tour by spending two night in NZ - Sunday afternoon in Auckland, Monday Oct 1st in Hamilton during the day and the evening at Tauranga.
We are very fortunate to have this unique opportunity of hearing Richard as he is a much sought after speaker in many countries.
His expertise is far ranging covering critical issues including the current economic crisis, food and agriculture, community resilience and climate change.
His latest book 'The End of Growth: adapting to our new economic reality' makes a compelling argument that the global economy has reached a fundamental turning point.

Suggested Donation $5 - $10. All welcome, no bookings necessary.

For more info:

Tauranga Environment Centre

Phone: (07)578-6664 Email:

Richard Heinberg Website

Richard Heinberg last visited Aotearoa in 2007, at Ecoshow 2007 in Taupo. The concept of Transition Towns really took off. Here is a great opportunity to hear him again, or for the first time of you missed it! Highly recommended.


Location / Venue: 
Baycourt Exhibition Hall, Durham Street, Tauranga
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