Minutes - 9 October 2012 - Transition Pt Chevalier

Chair Crea

Minutes Niki


Present Yolanda, Erin, Bruce, Julie, Deryn, Warren Snow, Adrian, Keith, Ally, Luke, Niki, Chris, Crea


Apologies Jenny, Jeff, Guido, Jo


1.       Resource Recovery Project - Julie and Warren

Julie has been analysing submissions to the Auckland Council waste minimisation plan. The committee were impressed with the strength of submissions, particularly from community groups. One of the ideas that came from this was the concept of a resource recovery network. This is now a key component of the plan. Warren is consulting with community groups and industry on how this concept can be developed. The Albert-Eden local board is one of the boards that has volunteered to start a network. Warren has been looking for emerging trends, and does not believe we need to create waste. He also sees local communities as the best site for the reuse of “waste”. He helped author a report “Reclaiming Auckland’s Resources” which is on the Envision website. In regard to the recent submission process, waste was the issue with the most spontaneous comments (i.e. beyond the standard questions). The vision is that any product you want to dispose of will be fully recycled and reused via recycling centres that will also employ people. Part of this is that the inorganic collection will be replaced with a booking system that allows objects to be picked up and potentially taken to one of these centres. EPR – extended product responsibility. This means the manufacturer will take responsibility for the lifecycle of the product (also called product stewardship). Warren also talked about the influence that small groups can have. The city doesn’t have many groups and so they can be very powerful. It would be a good idea to write to the council to reinforce the new waste vision. There will be a workshop on batteries this month, which people are strongly encouraged to attend. Deryn and Yolanda talked about our soft plastic recycling and battery initiatives. For more information on the project, contact Warren Snow mailbox@envision-nz.com. They are looking for groups that will run recovery centres and for sites where they could be located. If you have ideas please let Warren know using the email above, and/or bring your ideas to another Transition Pt Chev meeting.


2.       Albert-Eden Board consultation meeting for the Unitary Plan – Luke

This is in the context of the council plan to make Auckland the world’s most livable city. A wide variety of people attended. One of the key ideas was reducing travel and reducing travel distances. Preservation of green corridors was discussed and building codes including access to the sun for passive heating. They are working on the basis that the population will grow. Incentives for collecting rain water and dealing with grey water was another idea. A lot of residential zones are shifting from two storey to four storey limitations. There are still many issues to be worked out with regard to infrastructure to support these developments. Residential and natural environment aspects still to be discussed at the next meeting on October 24.   Luke will circulate the notes from the meeting.


CFO of Unitec interested in talking to us; 12 minute video of Albert-Eden has been made as part of the heritage festival.


3.       Pa Harakiki Project – Erin

The focus is on Walmer Reserve. One of the main aims is to get keruru back and create an environment where schools and others can come. They want to plant nikau in South Walmer to attract birds. There is a lot of work to be done to clear the effects of the spraying and neglect. The aim is to leave as much as possible on site. Bernie, who is a group leader, would like to organise a time for our groups to work together. Adrian will contact Bernie to organise a meeting and several people indicated they would be very interested in attending. Our planned planting will be delayed until we have met with Bernie.


4.       Next meeting new venue – Next month’s meeting will be at Yolanda’s, 21 Neville St.


5.       Live Below the Line – Niki did this and it is a powerful, embodied


6.       Dance Walk – Niki to liaise with Jenny on a new date for this.


7.       Planting at Walmer Reserve – This will be delayed until after our meeting with Bernie.


8.       Eric Armishore Reserve – Ally – Erin Paterson sent out an email about pest eradication in the park. Traps have been laid for possums and rats and volunteers will be monitoring them.


9.       “The last ocean” – a good DVD for our Transition Town to watch


Next meeting November 13th at 21 Neville St

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