"Cooking Kotare Style" vegetarian/vegan catering workshop

You are invited to attend a very exciting workshop/retreat being hosted by Kotare Trust (more about us below) all about planning and cooking vegetarian and vegan food for events, gatherings and at home. It will be held at our residential centre an hour's north of Auckland from November the 9th to the 11th. All ingredients and accommodation in beautiful surroundings included. Whilst the workshop is facilitated by our resident cook Quentin Jukes it will have a strong skill sharing focus.

"Kotare's vision is of a future with economic, social and environmental justice in Aotearoa based on Te Tiriti o Waitangi. With that vision in mind, our purpose is to support community action for a more just world through participatory education and research."

Please visit www.kotare.org.nz/upcoming_workshops to find out more and register your interest.

Location / Venue: 
Kotare Trust, Hoteo North, Wellsford
Cooking Kotare Style panui.pdf115.02 KB