Minutes Transition Town Meeting Nov 13th, 2012

Apologies Nikki, Geoff, Keith, Ali, Anna, Guido

Present Jenny, Adrian, Anne , Adee, Jessica, Bruce, Walter, Leonard, Yolanda, Deryn.



Sat morning flash mob

Totally cool – first dance with 15 people. Second was 9 or 10 people, but last dance was minus people! Needs a critical mass – 6 people is not a mob. Maybe every week is too much. Perhaps first Sat of the month would be good. Cancel this weekend and build up for first Sat in Dec.


End of year party

Friday 14th December meet at 6pm at southern end of Pt Chev Beach. High tide is 9pm. Bring picnic gear and food to share – instruments and singing voices welcome.


Accommodation for meetings – People are happy with meeting in each others homes. Suggestion to hang a banner outside the venue the week before. Adee will coordinate this for next year.


Community Garden at the Old Homestead. The homestead is being rebuilt next year and the garden space may be needed. The garden group is considering relocation options – maybe to Unitec for a year.

The group are looking for other possible sites and are open for ideas for a temporary shift.


Resource recovery. This Thursday 7-8.30 workshop, Fickling Centre, corner Mt Albert Rd & Mt Eden Rd. Run by Warren Snow and Julie Dickinson who are waste management specialists. There is a new council initiative setting up recycling centres around the city, where a wide range of unwanted things can be diverted and recycled.

Pt Chev Transition Town, Grey Lynn 2030 and Mt Eden Village People are supporters so it would be good for people to attend.

Ally Burt offers transport.



Fruit Trees

Organised to plant Walmer Reserve with fruit trees, but another group has flax planting and the local board suggested the fruit trees to go somewhere else. The time for planting is over for this year. Premiere Ave still needs bananas and a custard apple.  We will wait until next year to pursue  fresh planting. Adrian will email Bernadette to keep things moving. He will also send out a maintenance schedule for the Premier Ave trees.


Recycling Batteries Meeting. A community meeting was held between locals and people who work in the industry to discuss the recycling of batteries. Discussions & conversations around waste and solutions happened in groups of community people and industry professionals.


The issues are complex and so a summary of the workshop is available for those who wish to receive it. Please email yolanda.v@xtra.co.nz    It was highly recommended to use rechargeable batteries as this considerably lessens the amount of batteries used.


The industry reps realize that there is a problem and the issue is being looked at with a follow up working group meeting next year.


Sustainable City showcase. This will be on 22, 23, 24 Nov run by the Sustainable Business Network at The Cloud, in the city. Lots of businesses  will showcase their new products and ideas.

Would anyone like to go and be on a roster at the Transition Towns stand. There has already been an email sent out. Contact Pippa Coom on pippacoom@gmail.com


New Magazine called ‘Green Ideas’ looks good. Launch issue Nov cost $3.90


Meeting closed 9:01pm

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