Previous Events

The third Public Meeting was held on Sunday May 25th at the Heritage Arts centre.

The Twelve Steps of Transition were revisited, and we broke into groups to discuss the various projects we have planned. Groups were the food-co-op, the Market Site, Garden Make-overs, and a Submissions to the Council Annual Plan group.

Every group came away with a list of immediate actions to take, and these projects are starting to turn into reality. Many groups still need people to help, and we are still working on a venue.

We have been hosting home movie and muffin evenings since 2006, showing "The End of Suburbia" "China Blue" and "The Power of Community". We will continue to show and promote these DVD's. If anyone in Opotiki is interested please contact Kazel and we will gladly host a screening. Also available is a copy of "An Inconvenient Truth"

Food exchange

In combination with Green Drinks in April we loaded the tables with our surplus home-grown bounty to exchange with others. Is this an area for action group to make it a regular event, hopefully leading eventually on to the formation of a barter system?