Dome and Vault Building Workshops


Dome and Vault Building Workshops


Awhi Farm, 29 Atirau Rd, Turangi

(parallel to Highway 1, next to golf course)

Contact Jo: 021739398 or Bryan 021799056

In March and April we are offering a chance to join learn about building vaults and domes from pressed bricks. We began this journey in January and will continue in March and April until completion.

The earthbag house is getting a roof made of pressed brick domes and vaults

In this workshop you will learn how to build using the ground from under your feet - very low cost but very long lasting.

This technique is an example of sustainable practice.

The people working on the domes include Javier, a Spanish architect with experience in dome building; Bryan, Awhi Farm Trustee, who has experience with earthbags and with pressed bricks, vaults and domes.

What will be covered

  • How to make pressed bricks.

  • Identifying appropriate materials and suitable proportions for optimal results

  • Understanding the composition of the earth suitable for bricks.

  • How to lay bricks.

  • How to calculate, design and build step-by-step:

  • a catenary dome and vault as a roof.

  • a shallow dome and vault as a separation between the two storeys (first floor).

  • Building vaults over the windows as eaves for protection and aesthetics.

  • Adjust the design according to materials available. We will be working with local materials (pumice, clay)

  • Appropriate shapes for earthquake resilience.

  • Plastering and ceramic mosaic finishing for the dome and vaults.


Logistics, Dates and Cost:

The workshop is offered during the weekends:

March: 16-17th, 23-24th, 29-31st April: 6-7th, 13-14th.

Bring: Clothes that can get dirty and protect you from too much sun or rain. A good torch- (we are not on mains power) 2 towels (one for the hot pools). Any special food you need to keep you happy!

During the week we will continue the building, but instructions will be about getting good results in practice, rather than the theory.

Booking essential. Fill form below and email to


Sliding scale $150 - $200 ($50 deposit) including meals

On site camping including showers available. Koha please for accommodation.

Number of students limited to 10 at any one time.


Register Now!

Fill in details below, send direct deposit (at least $50 booking fee) with your name as reference to Kiwibank, Awhi Turangi Trust 38-9010-0721603-00 and email to

Registration form:

First Name.................................

Last Name................................

email address..........................................

Phone landline................................. mobile................................................

How many adults .................................. Children?..................................

Need camping accommodation at Awhi farm? Yes/No (circle one)

Any Special dietary needs?..................................................

Home/postal address.........................................................................................


Any other comments...........................................................