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How TTLH operates
updated 08 Apr 2013
We are in the middle of discussing how to operate in the future. This is our current proposal, updates from our recent meeting to follow very soon. If you would like to comment or contribute, please contact Juanita Juanita.mcknz@gmail.com and we will be in touch with you.
My suggestion would be a 'bubble structure' as indicated in the picture below.The basic thoughts behind it: CORE GROUP:
- People opt for being part of a bubble group (or two or three), the original core group as such dissolves
- The future core group is made up of at least one representative / informed delegate of each of the bubble groups (these can change from meeting to meeting)
- Purpose of the core group then is the exchange of information, ideas and needs between the groups
- Core group meets once a month or every two months and produces - at the meeting - an overview of event dates / needs and news that then get distributed to the wider mailing list (once per month) - replaces a newsletter
- Core group can serve to discuss exchanges / joint projects / space needs etc between the groups or whatever else concerns everyone
- Delegates then take discussion / minutes back to their groups (this can be at a meeting, via a separate email distribution list etc etc)
- If interest / project groups decide to rotate participation in the core group meeting, each person may only have to go once or twice a year (depending on group size of course)
- These groups meet according to their needs / projects / ideas and basically run their own thing.
- They can form freely and with any given topic
- They can have sub-groups dedicated to projects / events etc, which could then again have delegates that attend the interest group meetings (this is when things grow a bit bigger)
- Each interest group nominates one contact person whose details are published on the website for externals to get in touch and find out whats going on
- This group could be made up of a few couragous individuals who pledge to maintain and hold TTLH Inc as a funding platform for other projects. Their purpose is to take on funding applications and distribute the money to the interest and project groups on an application basis (or handle funding applications for a specific project / group on request)
- They are guided by a basic set of TT principles and vision (which is a different story and needs to be decided upon) to make decisions around who gets money etc.
- Its members are voted for by the TTLH plenary (which is not on the picture, but basically includes everyone involved - the wider list - basically the general meeting, held once a year with food and drink and merriness)
- I envision this group to be a support group for TTLH as a whole. It's purpose is to provide services / support / social events to all other groups. This could be:
- learning events (how to run successful meetings, decision making process, projects etc)
- nurturing events (potluck dinners, koha cafe, christmas parties)
- support services (facilitation for meetings, conflict resolution etc)
- any other help needed, except for things that involve money
- These could be more temporary groups that just form in relation to a special event or project. They could be part of one of the interest groups or could stand on their own. Their delegates participate in Core group meetings as long as they need to to access network information and support
- They dissolve when the project / event is finished
- They may be a starting point / seed for a later - more permanent - interest group
- These are connections with other groups (eg the horticultural society etc etc) that form in relation to a project, event or even are permanent if desired. They are not actually bubble groups, but other organisations.
- These partners are invited to send delegates to Core group meetings to access information and support about the TT network or distribute information they deem relevant to TT
- There is no decision making structure, the decisions lie within each bubble group. The bubble groups are open to anyone, people can join, leave and re-join, float from one to the other - whatever works for them. Each group is a steward for the projects it decides on and makes decisions based on their own processes
- The bubble structure is supported by the wider network - individuals that don't commit to any group as such, but are informed about what is going on and can decide to support a special project or event only - this information gets collated at the core group meeting and is distributed via email. This could happen simply by updating the picture above at each meeting and adding events / dates and comments about where help is needed.
- The network is embedded in the wider public via advertising of events / workshops - all open to the public (this includes those of the nurture group)
- With this suggested structure I'm also hoping to provide more space for individuals that don't get along so well - in the event of personal difficulties, you can either choose to make use of a facilitated conflict resolution process via the nurture group (which I think is always desirable) - or you can join another bubble group without having to lose your connection with TT. Hopefully that way people can co-exist happily and we don't keep losing people.
- I'm also hoping to encourage / empower individuals to approach TT with their ideas. Anyone who wants to do something can come along to a core group meeting and will be introduced to what else is going on and can publizise their offering. If they need help / support to get their idea of the ground, they can turn to the nurture group who will provide some start-up help as required.
- And yes, I realize this is essentially how we always meant to operate - with a few tweaks. Just thought I'd spell it out. :-)
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