The unbelievable journey of the community garden transformation in a weekend !

Rejuvenating the Old Homestead Community Garden.


On 13 and 14 April the community garden group was joined by the Mt Albert Baptist Church for their Community Working Bee Day "Love where you live" .


The transformation began on Saturday and approximately 30 people worked hard on removing all the weeds and overgrowth, put in solid garden edging, build three large compost heaps, repair the manual bike pump, plant up a berries patch, reposition and reconnect the rainwater harvesting system and remove kikuyu from the car park. The minister himself prepared a square foot garden bed at the front which hopefully is an educational message to visitors that you can grow a lot of food in a little space.

On Sunday several people from the church joined us again and we remulched all paths, weeded the complete area at the back, put weed mat and mulch down, spread 2  cubic meters of compost into the beds and plant lots of brassicas, lettuces, shallots, beetroot etc.


One of the major achievements was to assemble a small shed to store all the tools safely. Here the biggest praise is for Dharma who relentlessly over about 6 hours pushed his brain through the assembly manual. No small task if you have ever tried to assemble a similar item.


A huge thanks to minister Jonathan and all the church members who helped and arranged for this prior to the working bee days.


A huge thanks to the Albert Eden Local Board for the funding the Community Garden received. This funding made many projects possible.


A big thanks to Leah from Bunnings Mt Roskill who supported the Community Garden with a number of brand-new garden tools worth over $100, these came in very handy.


A big thanks to Enviroreel who sold us garden edging for a very affordable price (2 for 1).


A small thanks to Mitre 10 Mega who sponsored us a $15 tool.


A big thank you to all who supported this working bee!





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