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Transition Town Lower Hutt BUBBLE group newsletter May 2013
All the groups below have been formed with the intention that they are open to anyone to join if they intend to help with current activities or that participating individuals drive their own initiatives. So if you have any bright exciting ideas you would like to make happen as part of any of the groups get in contact with the contact person for the relevant group and get creating!! If you’d like to create a new group and become the driver and contact person for that group contact me (see below) or come to the next BUBBLE GROUP MEETING and share your ideas. We’d love to see you!
Food Group
Any ideas, projects, or events that are food related
Contact: Babs Lake - babslakeb@yahoo.com
Ideas and Events 1. Beer Making workshop – Date to be advised
2. Bulk Food Co Op – If there is anyone keen to drive this idea or provide administrative skills we want you!!
3. Wild Food Gathering tour. Date to be advised
4. Garden Tours – Let us know if you’ve got a veggie garden to “show off” or if you’d like to make a Hutt veggie garden tour happen.
A community building, skill sharing local “bank” that uses hours rather than money as a method of exchange.
Contact: Hutt South Timebank (huttsouthtimebank@gmail.com)
Ideas and Events 1. Orientation Evening to find out more about Timebanking Wednesday 28th May at 7.30pm Alicetown Community Centre
2. If you are keen to become part of a great team organising Timebank please get in touch. We’d love to hear from you!
Heart ’n’ Soul group
A way of meeting the psychological, spiritual and social needs of people to help in adapting to these times of change.
Contact: Natalie Horman - Natalie Hormann (nataliehormann@gmail.com)
Ideas and Events 1. Plans to run workshops and talks on inner transition and dealing with change in our lives.
2. Open Sharing Circle - First meeting date to be advised
Working Bees
For anyone who loves to get together with others and get stuck into projects at homes or in the community
Contact: Pam Crisp pamdcrisp@gmail.com
Ideas and Events 1. Possible working bee to be run at Alicetown Community Centre to get gardens in order for next spring planting. May be a project run with the
help of Working Bee group, Kidzstart and Timebank as part of a community chest project.
2. First meeting date of working bee group to be advised
Current events group
Provides up to date information on current speaking events or political activity individuals may be interested in
Contact: Juanita McKenzie juanita.mcknz@gmail.com
Ideas and Events 1. This is a newly formed group that will create discussion group if desired but otherwise will operate a mailing list to keep members informed of all
upcoming speakers, events and political activities which may be of interest to individuals. Please let me know if you would like to be added to
the mailing list.
Nurture and internal communications
This group is all about looking after our wider network. It holds the coordinator role, facilitating communication channels and internal support for the wellbeing of all people involved with TTLH
Contact: Natalie -nataliehormann@gmail.com or Juanita juanita.mcknz@gmail.com
Ideas and Events This group will create sub groups to:
1. Maintain communication channels eg: website, newsletter, coordination of bubble group meetings
2. Create and coordinate social events for Bubbles groups to meet up.
3. Provide support for any bubble groups that may encounter difficulties.
4. Provide support for new projects/ideas/people
Any ideas, projects or events that are for the purpose of building community or providing TTLH related information to the general public. Eg: DVD evenings, speakers, spokes people, liason with school, churches etc.
Overall Contact: Juanita juanita.mcknz@gmail.com DVD & D Contact: Guy Porritt guyporritt@paradise.net.nz
Ideas 1. Creation of “Transition Talk” group for a regular slot on Hutt Radio. Anyone interested in hosting (with training) or talking on a topic please contact Juanita for more info.
2. Creation of a speakers group to give talks to schools, churches and other organisations such as Probus, Rotary, Lions etc. Contact Juanita
3. Creation of Speaker/Workshop meetings to focus on practical activities such as gardening, bee keeping, chooks, cheese &bread making etc.
Please contact Guy Porritt (see above).
Events 1. Bubble Group Meetings - First Tuesday of every month. Next Meeting: Tuesday June 4th 7.30pm Alicetown Community Centre
2. DVD and D Meetings – Last Tuesday of every month. Next Meeting: Tuesday May 28th 7.30pm Alicetown Community Centre
3. Koha Café – Last Tuesday morning of every month. First Koha Café: Tuesday May 28th 10am – 12md Alicetown Community Centre
4. “Crafty Cafe” - Every Tuesday 10am – 12md First Crafty Café: Tuesday May 21st 10am – 12 md Alicetown Community Centre
5. Upcycling/Refashioning Workshop Tuesday 11th June 6.30- 8.30 Petone Library Meeting Room
NB: Please see attachments for Koha & Crafty Café info.
Money INC
Financial Working Group
Contact: Babs Lake babslakeb@yahoo.com
Ideas and Events 1. Tuesday evenings room hire of $20 will no longer be paid by TTLH but instead be covered by individual Bubble groups whenever they book t the room for events. This will be paid at time of the event. Regular bookings at present are the first Tuesday of every month for Bubble Group
meetings and the last Tuesday of the Month for “DVD and D” evenings. These costs will be covered by Koha or entrance fee. Thus, the 2nd and
3rd Tuesdays of every month are still available for any groups wanting to run events.
2. TTLH office now being shared by Rainbow Kidzstart After School and Holiday Programme to help keep costs down and facilitate user group
3. TTLH looking at the possibility of Charitable Status to have access to funding
4. Provides help with funding applications for bubble groups. Next meeting Tue 4th June 6.30pm
the Common Unity Project
An urban farm development based at Epuni School, Lower Hutt. Their aim is to grow enough food to feed all of our students at the school each day as well as develop a community hub based on TT priciples. The project welcomes volunteers to the garden and anyone wanting to offer skills and sharing to their families. Contact: Julia 0273723385 To hear recent interview on Radio NZ just click this link: http://www.radionz.co.nz/national/programmes/sunday/audio/2554773/ideas-for-12-may-2013
Currently we are urgently needing blankets or knitted squares that can be stitched together to make blankets for our students this winter. We have a community knitting group teaching our students each Thursday.
Please get in touch with offerings or interest in joining the project. Have a look at The Common Unity Aotearoa on Facebook.
When we share, we get there, together.
Council liaison and civic action group
Liaises with Hutt City Council and participates in activities such as writing submissions, participating in civic meetings
Contact: Julian Paton (p.a.s.s@anet.co.nz)
Help shape Hutt City Council’s next Environmental Sustainability Strategy
Council welcomes your input into its 2015-2019 Environmental Sustainability Strategy and invites you to participate in the following workshops:
Where: James Coe 1, The Dowse Art Museum, Laings Road, Lower Hutt
When: From 7.00 to 9.00 p.m.
Why these workshops are being held
The current strategy runs to 2014. The development of the next strategy to 2019 begins with these public workshops. Its aim is to develop the vision, key areas of focus, and objectives that will underpin the next strategy.
It would be helpful for you to have read Council’s 2009-2014 strategy prior to the workshop. Hard copies are out of print, but you can download a PDF copy: http://www.huttcity.govt.nz/Documents/a-z/Environmental%20sustainability...
We would like you to be well-prepared to participate so we can ensure the workshop does not exceed two hours.
Bring along your passion and your ideas. We look forward to meeting you
Please select one of the following workshop dates:
o Wednesday, 15 May
o Wednesday, 22 May
o Wednesday, 12 June
o Wednesday, 19 June
Coffee, tea, water, juice will be provided so please RSVP: ess@huttcity.govt.nz
Feel free to share this message.
Whew!! Lots happening that we’d love you to be a part of!! so get in touch and let us know if your keen to be involved or if you’ve got ideas, events or activities that you’d like others to know about!
See you soon J
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