TT Pt Chev Meeting – 11 June 2013

Present:    Adrian, Terry, Adrienne, Jo, Walter, Waimania, Jane, Kiri, Jenny, Anna, Bruce,

University of Auckland Students: John, Toby, Kurtis, Jessica

Apoloigies – Niki and Yolanda

Report from University Masters students: Final report presented. Profile of Meola Creek and recommendations of what we could do to alleviate problems.  Suggested solutions include: rain gardens, riparian planting, swales,  permiable pavng and holding tanks.  Report please see attached.  There are no restrictions on its  distribution.

Wai Care: This is a Council funded water quality monitoring, education and action programme. Katherine Read from programme is looking for groups to adopt a site on Meola Creek to, with the help of Council funded professional contractors, restore it through rubbish collection, weeding and planting.  Agreed that Katherine be invited to our next meeting to provide more detail.

Fruit Trees: Adrian is still trying to make contact with  Simon Cook.  Working bee is required to clean up kikuya and mulch plants. Adrian to organise.

Avocados: Walter has lost contact with his supplier. He will chase up.

Community Garden: Recent working bees have been on Fridays which, Jenny reporting, had not been able to attend. Lots of brasicca. Plumbing work still needed to be done to water tanks.

Meeting location Consensual decision that Springs of Life Church venue was suitable for our purposes – may need to book bigger room if numbers grow.  Agreed to keep meeting at this venue until the end of the year

Marketing Group: Bruce advocated setting up a (digital) Marketing group to promote TT through the multitude of digital media.  Group might also take up traditional media marketing.  Jane offered to join – Bruce will ask others currently on Council sponsored digital marketing course.

Bruce to call local newspaper to advertise our meetings in the “Whats On” section

A phone list has been started so we can get in contact with each other more easily.  Will be distributed to those who have sihned up

Sugercane Paper: Adrienne asked for opportunities for her son Brian to speak to work groups on his sugercane paper promotion.

Water Fluridation Petition: Terry passed around a petition against water fluridation.


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Meola Creek Report_UoA MUrbPlan Students.pdf2.43 MB