Transition Pt Chev Meeting – 9 July 2013

Present:    Adrian, Niki, Yolanda, Adrienne, Keith, Walter, Guido, Bruce

                Apoloigies – Ally, Anna, Deryn and Geoff

                Guest – Katherine Read fro Wai Care

Meola Creek restoration  Katherine Read provided an overview of work by community and interest groups in restortion work on the banks of the lower Meola Creek.  Evidence is that this work is improving water quality.  A spring on the northern side of Gt North Road helps to ameliorate contamination from further upstream.  Invited our group to consider looking after an area of stream – that part adjacent to Meola Rd is available.  There is a working bee on July 20th replanting an area accessed through Motat airpark.

Regional Co-ordinator: Niki reported that Mt Eden and Grey Lynn have asked us to join them in seeking Council (financial) support for a regional TT co-ordinator who would, inter alia, provide some support for local groups.  – Agreed that while we do not currently have a need ourselves for such a person, we would support their application.

Bill McKibbon lecture: Bill, who was 350 founder, is presently touring the country.  His current drive is to encourage all individuals and groups to divest any shares they may have in companies mining fossil fuels. Individuals not owning shares  are encouraged to contact their Kiwisaver or other superannuation provider and ask them to divest any shares they might hold.

Fruit Trees: Adrian reported that working bee has cleaned up kikuyu growth. Mulch had not been delivered but perhaps not necessary at this time

Community Garden: Friday working bees continue Plumbing work still to be completed to water tanks.  Facebook page going well.

Meeting location  Keith has agreed to hold key to the hall. Each meeting will have a host. This person will need to check with Keith about the key, bring tea and coffee and snacks and be at the location slightly early to open up.

Battery recycling: Guido is attending quarterly meetings of the battery recycling working group.  Solutions are being explored despite the problems inherent in a small volume environment.

Marketing Group: Bruce and Jane (to be joined by Guido) have met and suggest:

                A banner – a proof copy of design presented – will cost $29

                Develop a presence on “About Me” site

                Develop a Facebook page

Work towards a stand alone web site.

Approval given to proceed with projects and report back for sign off.


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