Permaculture Design Certification Course


Permaculture Design Certification Course

Design Solutions for Resilient Food, Building and Community Systems 
Saturdays, January 11th - April 26th 2014, $1200 - $1400.

Please join us for a 15-day part-time Permaculture Design Certification course over three months with all the trimmings. This urban/rural PDC explores the role of organic farming, natural building and community facilitation in places as small as a balcony, up through the size of a city. Participants of all walks of life are invited to sign-up to join this inter-disciplinary, trans-generational Permaculture Design Certification Course.

With Innermost Community Gardens, Wellington City, and the surrounding bio-region as our classroom, we'll explore the theory and practice of change with open heads, hearts and hands.

Please see: for details.

Permaculture Design Certification Course

Location / Venue: 
Innermost Gardens, Wellington, NZ