Hanawera Permaculture Design Course - Horowhenua - January 2014

Permaculture Design Course — January 2014

From Saturday 11th to Saturday 25th January at our 50 hectare permaculture place near Otaki on the Kapiti Coast, with everything from gardens, orchards, arable crops, animals, plantations and wilderness forests, to bio-filtered swimming pool and eco-cabin farmstay.  Includes field trips with local hapu and wild foods.

Full PiNZ accredited design certificate course, we have an open creative learning approach with practical activities and a range of design exercises plus group and project work.  There is live-in accommodation, as well as plenty of space for camping.

The tutors are Gary and Emily Williams of Hanawera, Trish Allen from Matakana, Lisa Talbot, Matt King and Sarah Adams.

A summary of what the course covers is:

  • Guidelines and strategies for healthy and sustainable living.
  • Connection to nature and place.
  • Observation and recognising nature’s patterns and ecosystems.
  • Design methods and presentation.
  • Nourishing body, mind and spirit.
  • Food – soil to plate.
  • Water – essence of life.
  • Appropriate tools and buildings.
  • Cultural transformation and natural economics.
  • Creating resilient and healthy communities.

For more information go to

Location / Venue: 
Hanawera farm — Horowhenua