Transition Town Pt Chevalier meeting 12 November 2013

Present - Walter, Keith, Anna, Adrian, Ally, Adee, Yolanda, Jenny, Terry

Apologies – Niki, Deryn, Bruce





The old Homestead is sitting waiting for council consent, which was a last minute change from advice in the past where no consent was required.


Guest speaker request

Reminder about email sent by Ally to speak at the opening of the Glen Eden Transition Towns group on 3rd December. Ally will check that other TT groups have been asked.



Adee is looking into getting a sheep to eat their lawn and is looking at who might want to share the cost and use of a sheep.


Berm lawnmowing

Keith has reported that in his street neighbours are now sharing lawnmowers among each other due to the council no longer mowing berms.


Community garden spring festival

This weekend 16th & 17th – five gardens in Albert-Eden area are open on Saturday 1-4 and Sunday 10-1. The Old Homestead community garden will be open during these times. Anna from the garden group has organized a questionnaire and games for people to do as an activity.


Food forest hui

Adrian reported back about this that he attended at the end of September on the North Shore. It was an interesting process, learning about it. A large food forest is being set up in the Wairarapa.



Hebron school is considering collecting soft plastic to be collected by Enviroreel, such as at Pt Chev school. Need to look into funding a frame to hold the collection bag.


Sustainbility showcase

Ally and Walter attended the Transition Towns stall at this and had a few good conversations with people. Discussion about how to encourage more people to get interested in TT.


End of year TT  beach picnic at Pt Chevalier Beach will be on Friday 13th December from 5pm at the grassy southend of the beach.


Shared ideas/ news/ inspirations – see page 2

Keith – white roofs are a lot cooler, as Keith has found literally when being on a white roof compared to a grey roof.  New technology of charging cars using magnetic field on the road. Russell Brand comedian has some amazing clips on YouTube about environmental and other issues.

Anna – Kauri Dieback is serious problem.

Adrian – Royal Society research has said that the Western culture has to consume less.

Adee – talked to teachers at her daughters school, Hebron – getting into waste free lunches, collecting soft plastic, chooks and bees, vege and fruit gardens

Ally – Probus trip with her mum to Hamilton, saw organic tea farm and Hamilton gardens, which have sustainable and kitchen gardens

Yolanda – check out the latest animations from The story of stuff. Attended Green Drinks recently which is a great forum for networking with likeminded people – run by NZAEE. Check out website – asksharegive - is great for giving things away or getting things for free

Jenny – planted garden this week

Walter – garden is growing really well – he has a contact to get straw available south of Bombay hills

Terry – Has been reading his Dad’s old gardening diary and using some of the advice about correct planting days