TPC minutes 9th September

Attending: Chris, Adi, Heidi, Nikki, Ellen, Derryn, Anna, Anne, Jenny, Bex


Peoples Climate March September 21st 1 pm Starting at Britomart walking to Aotea Square.  Facebook  page Peoples Climate March Auckland.  If people are thinking of going, bring banners and signs.  Nikki is checking if she has the TPC banner.


Anna- The plastic bag chain display didn’t go up as she decided it needed an event to make sure there’d be an audience.  The chain is ready however she still needs volunteers to write up the facts and solutions about plastic bag waste management and recycling.  Possible events are Fair at the Zoo date TBC, or Pt Chev community market. (More on the market to follow).  Anne will be in touch with details about getting together one evening to write facts up.  The chain will be recycled once it’s finished its outings.

Ellen attended pre session for organic course which runs Tuesdays 9.30 – 2.30 for 10 months starting September 23rd.  It costs $260 for the whole course, it’s government funded.  It’s hosted at Peacemakers Helensville retreat center. National certificate organic level 3.  If a few people are interested Ellen suggested car pooling.  The tutor is Julianne Child.

Ally met with Jenny Jones who is the manager of Pt Chev bowling club on Dignan Street.  Jenny has offered one half bowling green for the community garden.  The green has been vacant for 20 years so it’s possible the soil quality will be ok to use for gardens.  It’s 5 times bigger than the current community garden so has great potential and it’s part of the Hallyburton Trust so it will always be there.  Jenny has worked at Kelmarna before so they have been using garlic and pyrethrum minimal chemicals,  

As the longevity at the current community garden site is uncertain, this could be an opportunity to expand and be more secure into the future.  Jenny thought doing a soil test was a bit expensive so it was decided that TPC would contribute $200 towards it, $100 from the general fund and $100 from the gardening fund.  There are the shelters which could be used for storage and green house.

If the soil tests ok to use, then we could go ahead with using it.  The current garden site would keep going and the new soil beds at the bowling club would be prepared possibly starting with some mustard.

Jenny also offered the use of the bowling green facilities, the small room for our meetings at no charge and the use of the Hall.  This would provide more scope to have social gatherings and workshops that wouldn’t be weather dependent as they are in the current site.  Ally will be in touch with the gardening group about having a shared picnic there one night to get a feel for the site. 

We will have our next TPC meeting at the bowling club small room.  Nikki thought the church room had been paid until June at approximately $28 per night.


Ally and Ellen are running a potato workshop with Richard Main 10th September at 4pm.  3-4 people from the PTC newsletter e-mail list are attending.


21st September in Countdown car park.  Organiser Chris Cassey.  It’s a clash with the Peoples Climate March, but a few members will go along to check it out to scope out the potential. 


Bex and Nikki are organizing the Dignan St Street party on October 17th 5-7pm.  Bex will design print and distribute flyers with “Supported by TPC” on the bottom of it.  We will use $50 from the general fund that was allocated for street parties.  It will be designed in a way that the Street name can just be changed out if others want to do a street party in their street.  Music and bbq and some activities.  It will be at the sea end in the culdersac


Chris and Derryn attended the Civil defense meeting at Saint Lukes, poorly attended, run by Chris Wilkins and Avon Lines.  Derryn proposed she could lead a sub group looking at CD with an alternative approach, eg composting toilets, photo voltaic panels, water filters.  She will send e-mail asking peoples advice about alternative/ sustainable approaches to CD. 

It’s uncertain what the situation is, it’s thought to be held up by pre 1940 demolition controls.  There is a notable difference between this and the 1920’s houses on the Block which were all but demolished.


Heidi is keen to follow up getting shreaded paper from the banks and food scraps for her chooks.  If anyone else is interested let her know.

The PT Chev library has established the soft plastics recycling now.


Heidi read out her excellent submission to the Unitary Plan, highlighting transport and public community spaces as key issues.  Ellen found out that if you do go to read out your submission they are obligued to read it.


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