Meeting minutes - Transition town Pt Chev 12th May

Attending Niki, Sandi, Ian, Jenny, Ally, Heidi, Anna and Bex

Apologies from Ellen, Yolanda

Purchasing group, facilitated by Niki.  Regular Trade aid- NZ organization working with fair trade produce and almost everything is organic.  There is no minimum order, Niki is happy to deliver if you’re in Pt Chev.  Prices end up being about super market sale priced.  Tea coffee, hot chocolate,, sugar and  gift boxes which are good for presents, has chocolate.  The ordering list gets e-mailed out by Niki every 6 weeks with a weeks notice.

Garden update

The design plan has been printed and one is put up in the garden on the storage shed the other for taking to meetings off site.

Sandi has carpet available, if we want it for paths, plenty in a bin in front of appliance shed.

Concrete is being removed from a path in the bowling club shortly, and needs to be used somewhere in the garden.  The idea is to put it alongside where the green house to move on for ground insulations.

Winter gardening hours

Thursday 4.30- 6.30 (there seems little interest in the night slot)

Fri 9-11

Sunday 2-4

Potluck gardening group at Ally’s this Friday 22B Wainoni Ave 5.30 – 8.00 meeting and shared meal.

Sandi asked about strategies for recruiting for the gardening group

Through publicity, it was suggested that we wait- until summer hours and an event to approach publications

Low effort through winter it is going in to the

School news letter (Heidi’s  doing this already)

But could have regular listing on Neighbourly and the Point Chev newsletter

Ally suggested a Movie night, “The   Economics of Happiness” 2011 67 mins

Economics of localization vrs corporate economies, Niki has the DVD.

We could do it at the Bowling Club Hall and Bex can borrow a data projector for the 9th June (TPC meeting night).  It could be by koha- maybe koha for cocoa (could be an opportunity to promote fair trade purchases.

We could trial one first and then see if there’s interest for a monthly and bi monthly educational/ sustainable movie screening.

Ellen circulated a link for the climate change submision which closes 5pm Weds June 3rd.

If anyone is writing one circulate it  and it could be submitted as a group.

A call out to send in submissions.


Chris turned up late and wanted to share progress on irrigation strategies.  He has had meetings with a couple of different companies to see if there’s a way to get water off church or into the tennis club and what costs would be to set it up.   Ian contributed some ideas and was recruited onto the irrigation group.


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