Meeting minutes – Transition Town Pt Chevalier – Tuesday 9 June 2015

Present: Catherine, Niki, Bruce, Bex, Jennifer, Jenny, Ellen, Adrian, Chris, Yolanda, Ali, Sandy, Anna, Yvette

Apologies: Heidi

Climate change submissions

Niki spoke about the submissions that have been sent from the University, Transitions Towns and individuals. Thanks to all those who wrote a submission or signed one. 10,000 submissions were received by government.

Community Award

A group nominated Ellen Schindler for a community award and she received one from the individual volunteer category. Congratulations Ellen – very well deserved. Ellen works tirelessly in various community gardens and

other projects.

Eco Neighbourhoods Project

Jennifer from Mt Eden was our visitor who explained to us about the Eco Neighbourhoods project funded by the Albert-Eden Local Board. It is aimed at a street or small group of streets and started earlier this year and so far there are four groups up and running. There are small amounts of funding available for groups who want to do something to educate and or do something that enhanced sustainability for the group. Examples are: rain water harvesting workshop, tree planting – get creative, ideas are open. Below is a link that takes you to the registration form.

Movie – The Economics of Happiness

We watched this documentary – thanks to Bex for being the technical person.

You can see info on it here:


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