Mt Victoria August meeting - 'Last Call' film

Tuesday 11th August at 7.30pm, at New Crossways, Roxburgh St. 'Last Call' film. We will view the documentary film “Last Call”. This 90 minute 2013 documentary revisits the ideas of the Club of Rome (Limits to Growth) by interviewing its surviving members and includes footage from the period when the group’s work was first released. The documentary, like “The Limits to Growth” forty years earlier, raises questions about sustainable growth and consumerism that are even more urgent than they were in the 1970s. At the same time, the documentary provides historical insights into the origins of the modern environmental movement and its ongoing challenges. Because of the length of the documentary and our intention to close as near to 9pm as possible the documentary will start at about 7:30. All welcome.
For more information contact Frank Cook, 027 6496508

Location / Venue: 
Crossways Community Centre, 6 Roxburgh Street, Mt Victoria, Wellington