Transition Pt Chevalier Meeting - August 11, 2015

Present: Jenny, Heidi, Deryn, Niki, Ellen, Bex, Yvette, Chris (Boys)


Meeting format

We decided to change meeting times to 7.15pm – and meetings will start on time! A 45 minute “meeting” will be followed at 8pm by a film or discussion. The film or discussion will be decided the previous month and advertised to all. Next month we will be showing video clips and discussing Repair Cafes. Niki has sent notice of this to Cam for the Pt Chevalier weekly email newsletter.

Living wage

An extremely successful living wage meeting was held last week in the interests of encouraging the Selwyn Foundation to pay caregivers a living wage of $19.25 an hour. A video of the meeting can be seen here on the Daily Blog: Several Transition Town people attended and delivered leaflets.

Home kill

There is the possibility of raising a cow or two at Kelmana – CSA style. If you buy a share in the cow you receive a proportional share of the meat. Adrian is to look into this. If you want more information on this you need to join the purchasing network – email Niki


We have held one meeting to discuss this – another will follow. The coop will involve bulk purchasing from Ceres in the first instance. If you want more information on this you need to join the purchasing network – email Niki

TPPA March

This has been advertised via email and is this coming Saturday, August 15. Meet at Aotea Square by the arch for the 1pm start or get the Outer Link bus that leaves the stop near Formby Ave about 12.22pm.


This is a game about climate change and complex social decisions, that is being held at the University of Auckland on September 4, 9.30 – 12.30. It is in 206 – 210 – the Arts 1 building. Registration is essential but the game is free. Contact Niki or

Swap five event

This is happening on 13th September, 2 – 4pm at the Bowling Club, 25 Dignan St. Bring along five unwanted items and take away five of someone else’s offerings.

Funding opportunity for a series of workshops

Ellen called for ideas for a series of workshops that would attract council funding – possibilities are a home appliance repair café, toys repair café, civil defence workshop, bicycle repair and service workshop, and/or a welding workshop. A small group will work on this further.

Irrigation plan

Chris discussed the current scoping of an irrigation plan for the community garden.

Rethink the System

With the “business” of the meeting over, Niki discussed her tour with her sister Laila to Rethink the System. For further details on the tour, please see here:



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