Meeting TPC - 8 September 2015

Present: Heidi, Ally, Ellen, Anna, Sandi, Bruce, Adrian, Bex, Evette, Walter and Anne - Yolanda and Guido arrived for repair café video.

Apologies: Nikki, Deryn

Swap five event some coming at 1 to help set up.  Tasks that need covering

• Table repair bring repair material

• Table clothes

• Corner for kids bean bags cushions

• Food vouchers pack and save and baking Ellen

• Signs from Ellen

• Entrance sign with arrow Bex

• Hosting

• Stamp to verify

• Coat hangers for clothes


Games Night 16th September 6.30- 9.00

Canvas interest on the night.


Homestead Garden

Working bee proposed weekend dates to be e-mailed through by Ally.  General tidy up weeding.

Heidi ‘s water estimated on top of direct rainfall on pasture use 75m3 normal year and 90m3 drought year.

Idea to treat soil with swales, more perennials.

Eco store order

Anne will send items through purchasing group.


Maori medicinal uses of native plants

We are very lucky to have Donna Kerridge from Ora New Zealand coming to speak to us about Maori medicinal uses of native plants. She is coming all the way from Northland and it will be a very interesting talk.

Reminder When: Wednesday 9th September 7- 9pm

Where: Te Mahurehure Marae – 73 Premier Ave, Point Chev

If you would like to contribute an anonymous koha for Donna, you are welcome to. RSVP


Screening of repair café videos

Discussion about trying it out, promoting it at Swap Five event getting peoples contacts.

Keeping it local to connect in with the community

Needing venue, repairers, tools,

Event timing weekend, 3-4 hours



Guido reminded that replying to the Transition town e-mail doesn’t forward to the whole community, it just goes to the Transition Town inbox.

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