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TPC minutes 9th February 2016
Attending: Heidi, Deryn, Bex, Ellen, Ann and Walter Niki
Suggestions for encouraging attendance to TPC meetings.
Reminder needs to be sent out pre meeting.
Sending the next agenda items for the following meeting to Cams PT Chev newsletter.
Workshops to offer something for people to take away for themselves.
Possible treasure hunt or other events tying into the schools.
Love your coast- Deryn met Kirsty Swan while picking up rubbish and she would like to say a few words about Love your coast organization at next months meeting.
Atamai eco village discussion next month, by Rafaele, a case study of an eco village, Motueka hills. People felt Rafaele needs to know it will be a small group and some people weren’t interested if it was going to be primarily a sales pitch.
February 12th
The Auckland seminar will be held at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade’s Auckland Office, Level 6, 139 Quay Street on Friday 12 February from 10.00am – 12.00pm. RSVP by 9 February to Meryl Verstraaten at DM-ENV@mfat.govt.nz
New Zealand Climate Change Ambassador, Jo Tyndall, will reflect on the landmark agreement signed at COP21 and its implications for New Zealand in the post-Paris era.
February 19th
Niki’s Theories of change hui at Auckland University Friday 19th February 10-6pm. You do need to register.
March/ April (TBC with James Bellamy)
3 hour, not hands on, sharing information
Needs screen and projector.
A hands on one can be a follow up workshop if there’s interest.
APRIL 3rd (proposed date and time 2-4pm)
Anna was getting responses from people about this.
Suggested people to ask to repair;
Logans dad radio
Walter all sorts of stuff
Bex offered to do basic clothing repair with her sewing machine
Terry to ask for shoe repair
Need to get publicity out if the 3rd is confirmed date. It’s been checked with Jenny so the Bowling club can be used.
Movie night as the first part of the TPC meeting. It’s a feature movie about community recovery in Christchurch movie to be screened at the Te Mahurere Marae. Use it as a fund raiser for William the diary owner who got attacked in January. Deryn will talk with William about it. If people can’t make it to the meeting a notice will be sent out to the TPC newsletter list with details if people want to donate something for William and his family.
Early May
Niki’s suggestion of living with joy themed event. Early May (TBC) event interactive, Nikki to give theoretical overview about living with Joy. 1.5 hours. Point Chevalier primary school. Niki to check with Keren Rego re use of school hall.
Late May
Late May to be promoted at The Joy of Living Simply. Do it as the Eco neighbourhood to support with funding and flyers printed. Doing a list of TPC events to be part of the flyer. Bex happy to be second contact for Eco neighbourhood.
June/ July (Date TBC by Heidi)
Held over 2 Saturday afternoons-
1st shopping together for tshirts in local second hand shops
2nd Saturday Hand painting, stenciling, airbrushing spraying stamping iron on’s techniques
Point Chev kindy.
Heidi dropped off boxes of magazines nat geo, organics etc. They have recently become an enviro school and asked if the kids could come along and visit the community garden and if the teachers could come along to a TPC meeting. Heidi was very encouraging saying kids numbers would need to come in small numbers so as not to annoy bowling club.
Christchurch removing the protection of 1200 of their heritage trees, allowing them to be cut down to give developers more flexibility. The group was against this given “The Garden City” needs all the soil stability, oxygen and beauty that the trees currently provide. Deryn will write a letter of support.
Walter and Anne to work on the final touches for the pizza oven. They will send out e-mail with time (possibly this Sunday) so if anyone can join them they’d be very welcome.
Tasks to do;
chimney and rendering lime earth
door to be lined with metal
metal flashing for hole on the shelter roof
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