2015 Programme

Transition Towns Mt Victoria

2015 Programme:

Tuesday 1st December at 7.30pm, at New Crossways, Roxburgh St. 'Chernobyl' film. In our final meeting for the year we will view a documentary film on the ability of nature to recover following an environmental disaster. You may have seen it on discovery channel. It's about Chernobyl and lasts 50 minutes. All welcome.

Tuesday 3rd November at 7.30pm, at New Crossways, Roxburgh St. 'Cowspiracy' film. We will view the 2014 documentary film "Cowspiracy", which is about the impact of the agribusiness on greenhouse gas emisisions and the environment. The controversial documentary, delivered in Michael Moore style, not only takes a hard look at global animal agriculture but also asks why environmental organisations say little about it. The film is 91 minutes long. All welcome.

Tuesday 6th October at 7.30pm, at New Crossways, Roxburgh St. 'Switch' film. We will view the 2012 98 minute film "Switch", which is an educational documentary on the current energy crisis. The documentary surveys the world's range of current energy production from diverse sources—solar, nuclear, coal, geothermal, wind, biofuels, oil—and looks at how many people they can supply if the average person consumes 20,000 kilowatt hours in a year. All welcome.

Tuesday 8th September at 7.30pm, at New Crossways, Roxburgh St. 'The Climate Blueprint' film. We will view the 52 minute documentary "The Climate Blueprint" which is the first doucmentary to explore the history of the climate change summits, beginning with Kyoto in 1997. This is against the background of the coming Paris Convention (COP21) in December of this year. At Paris the hope is for a new global agreement against global warming, the Paris Protocol. All welcome to come and see this interesting story.

Tuesday 11th August at 7.30pm, at New Crossways, Roxburgh St. 'Last Call' film. We will view the documentary film “Last Call”. This 90 minute 2013 documentary revisits the ideas of the Club of Rome (Limits to Growth) by interviewing its surviving members and includes footage from the period when the group’s work was first released. The documentary, like “The Limits to Growth” forty years earlier, raises questions about sustainable growth and consumerism that are even more urgent than they were in the 1970s. At the same time, the documentary provides historical insights into the origins of the modern environmental movement and its ongoing challenges. Because of the length of the documentary and our intention to close as near to 9pm as possible the documentary will start at about 7:30. All welcome.

Tuesday 14th July at 7.30pm, at New Crossways, Roxburgh St. 'Inuit Knowledge and Climate Change' film. We will view the 2010 documentary film Inuit Knowledge and Climate Change. This documentary takes the viewer with elders and hunters to explore the social and ecological impacts of a warming Arctic. The film helps us to appreciate Inuit culture and expertise regarding environmental change and indigenous ways of adapting to it. All welcome.

Tuesday 2nd June at 7.30pm, at New Crossways, Roxburgh St. Government Climate Change Proposal / 'Do the Math' film. We will have copies of the Governments Climate Change proposal with a last chance to get submissions in, as they are due Wednesday 3rd June. We will also show Bill McKibben's 2013 film 'Do The Math'. McKibben founded the 350 movement and the film is 44 minutes long. All welcome.
For more information contact Frank Cook, 027 6496508

Tuesday 5th May at 7.30pm, at New Crossways, Roxburgh St. 'Sustainable living programme'. We will continue the sustainable living programme which looks at issues such as food, transport, gardening, energy, waste. This session will focus on gardening and soil and in particular view the rest of the film about soil and its critical importance to sustainable and healthy living.
The programme has been been developed by the Sustainable Living Education Trust, has general and local content, and aims to help us live more sustainably and reduce our carbon footprint. All welcome.
For further information contact Frank Cook on 027 649 6508.

Tuesday 10th March, at 7.30pm, at New Crossways, Roxburgh St. 'Sustainable living programme'. We will begin a sustainable living programme which looks at issues such as food, transport, gardening, energy, waste. The programme has been been developed by the Sustainable Living Education Trust, has general and local content, and aims to help us live more sustainably and reduce our carbon footprint. All welcome.
For further information contact Frank Cook on 027 649 6508.

Tuesday 10th  February, at 7.30pm, at New Crossways, Roxburgh St. 'Our Seeds' DVD. This is a 57 minute 2008 film centred on the Pacific peoples, which  promotes local seed saving and explains why that is so important today.
It is timely for us to watch it now as the season is near for saving this years seeds, and maybe we could also arrange for some sharing of our seeds. All welcome.