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Minutes of Transition Point Chevalier meeting - Tuesday 21 March 7:30 pm at Point Chevalier Bowling Club
updated 22 Mar 2017
Present: Walter, Ally, Guido, Jenny, Sarah, Heidi (a little late), Adrian (a little later again)
Apologies: Deryn, Niki, Ellen, Bex, Sandra
notetaker - Heidi
1/ Meetings and the way forward for Transition Point Chev
Guido suggested having the TT meetings as social gatherings at the community garden. Some gardening work followed by some socialising, with drinks and shared food. Moving to bowling club at some stage (probably dictated by light and weather)
Walter thought the pizza oven could do with some work (as it needs to be rebuilt) and this might be a good social activity for the group.
Heidi said meeting at the garden was a good idea as when you read TT literature, one of the important things to do for a group is to have a recognisable physical presence in the community, and the garden could become that.
Jenny suggested that the gatherings could be tied in with the monthly gardening sessions which are 3 to 5pm on the 2nd Sunday of the month. General agreement for this idea, with the suggestion that it start earlier (at 2pm) in the deepest part of winter.
She pointed out, though, that not everyone in the group is wanting to garden. Heidi thought that those that don’t want to garden would possibly be happy to play music and serenade the gardeners, or at least arrive for the socialising part with guitars in tow (yes, we’re thinking of you, Niki :>).
Ally spoke to Jenny who said 2nd Sunday of the month is fine for us to use the room and the bar after garden working bees and we can bring a plate for dinner. Also the 2nd half of June, early Sept or late July Saturdays are all free so we can book any of those dates for the 2 events. She advised asap as she will be doing bookings soon for events then.
2/ Friday nights
Meeting on Friday nights are still a good idea. Heidi relayed Deryn’s message that she is keen on Friday nights, and when he arrived, Adrian said Fridays were better than Tuesdays. So members are encouraged to plan a few days ahead and send out an invitation to meet up at the bowling club for dinner on Fridays when they are intending to do so.
3/ Try a Bike Day and AT biking consultation for Meola Rd and Point Chevalier Rd
Sarah brought flyers for the “Try a Bike Day” organised by Bike Auckland and Point Chevalier School. April 1 2017 11 am at Pt Chevalier School, Te Ra Rd.
She also mentioned that AT staff will be there to explain the options given in the upcoming consultation about bike lanes on Point Chevalier Rd and Meola Rd. (The options will be released on the 27th March).
This consultation is important. Heidi described the tortuous journey bus drivers have to take on Meola Rd to avoid the parked cars and traffic at peak times. A cycle lane is required. General agreement that parking on one side would need to be removed. Adrian suggested we need more than the tiny strip usually provided for a cycle lane, though. Meanwhile Walter was nursing a bruised and broken hand from Saturday’s cycling collision with a car door on Point Chevalier Rd.
But will AT – once the decision is made based on feedback – resist the pressure from car drivers and property owners to modify plans to something different?
Anyway, time to get submitting – again!
4/ Repair Cafe and Swap Five
Guido was keen to do these again. Walter feels out of action for a while with some other things on – will be free again from late May on. Heidi said she wasn’t interested in organising them, but could drop flyers and probably come on the day. General enthusiasm ... dates would have to be discussed with Jenny (Ally is happy to do this) and would be approximately:
Repair Cafe: second half of June up to 2nd July
Swap Five: early September or late October
Venue: We decided that the Bowling Club was a good venue still, but Sarah said if we wanted to come to the community centre, to let her know. Guido thought it might have a bit more traffic/custom there.
Advertising for these events: Sarah was asked what avenues she uses for the events organised at the community centre. She said: Facebook, Harbour News, Our Auckland, posters, libraries, 3 or 4 online places. Although Harbour News had advertised the date incorrectly for us, Sarah said that now they can take a group’s copy and print it as is instead of re-typing it, so that shouldn’t happen again.
5/ Gecko Bags
A new initiative by Gecko Bags to run workshops for sewing fabric shopping bags. When they have enough, they intend to place them in boxes at supermarkets as fabric bags to borrow if you forget your own. Brilliant! However, Jenny B mentioned that the woman organising it is moving to Wellington, so hopefully someone else will take over. Jenny suggested this as a possible workshop for Sarah to run at the community centre, and coined the term “Boomerang Bags” which is pretty catchy.
6/ Weekend Away
The group thought the idea of hiring out all three Scandrett’s Bay baches for a TT weekend together was a good one. Guido also has access to two baches on Waiheke through work, as another possibility.
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