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Steering group summary 10 July 08

This is just what Rimu remembers. Please edit this page and add your own comments!
Present: representatives from all central Wellington groups, Hutt Valley and Kapiti.
There was a fair bit of concern that things are moving very quickly, and there is potential for quite a lot of media interest. It was agreed that a centralised media group or person for the entire region would be more able to respond to media enquires in the most effective manner. It would mean that every group wouldn't have the burden of training or finding a media-savvy person.
The centralised media spokesperson would be able to give an overview of what is happening in the entire region, rather than just know all of what is happening in their own suburb. If local groups want to speak with their local newspaper directly, they are more than welcome to; the wellington hub does not want to usurp local groups' independence unnecessarily.
So the search is on for a skilled media spokesperson, preferably with a couple of others to support them.
Organisation purpose
There was some discussion about the function and purpose of the wellington hub/steering group. A draft organisation chart has been drawn up, as an attempt to clear some of that up.
The need for a separate email list was identified, so that the steering group can have discussions that do not concern the wider wellington TT community. Contact details were gathered and Paul Kennett is setting it up.
Representatives that come to the wellington steering group/hub (labels!) meetings are expected to report back to their local group and facilitate the flow of information from the local groups to the steering/hub thing.
Some TT training will be provided 16 & 17 August at a local venue in Wellington (not yet determined). Andrew is keen to hear from anyone who can help him in any way with organising this event.
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