Peak Oil Presentation - TT Aro Valley

Peak Oil Public Presentation - 2nd August

  • Why has the price of petrol gone up so much?

  • How can we adapt to make Aro Valley resilient to rising food and transport costs?

  • Bring your ideas and enthusiasm!

Meet with us: Saturday 2nd August

Time: 7.30 - 9pm

Venue: Aro Valley Community Centre, Aro Valley

Featuring: A presentation on peak oil by Simon Tegg, a local peak oil educator, on what it means to us all and how we can make the transition to self-sufficiency and resilience.

The presentation will be followed by facilitated discussion about peak oil and what we can do right here in Wellington to build stronger communities. Tea and bikkies involved!

Displays and Information. A gold coin koha to cover costs.


Transition Towns are communities actively seeking solutions to the issues of climate change and peak oil by creating local responses. Their aim is to create strong, resilient communities that tread lightly on the earth.