Blue Shed Strategic Plan (1st Draft)

Strategic Planning.



* Reduce carbon footprint, for individuals and the whole community in measurable ways.

* Blue Shed as a ‘one stop destination’ for all environmental needs.

* A sustainable, lasting, adaptable and resilient Centre that is a vibrant destination for the community.

* Kaitiaki – Tread lightly on the Earth.



* Raising awareness (for TT, of Peak Oil and climate change)

* Education and implementation of tools and strategies

* Strengthening community networks.



* Partnerships with organizations who can provide expertise, knowledge, training, practical support and information. (E.g. Righthouse, Energy Options, DOC.)


* Trading base – market for food and crafts locally produced, as well as retail shop for goods (and services?) that support the vision, eg organic food co-op, Trade Aid, Koanga seeds, nursery. (Composting toilets, solar panels, energy efficient whiteware etc?)


* Environment Centre – ecological information to share: protecting natural resources, maps of places with ecological significance.


* Secure funding for paid staff.



* Waste minimisation

* Alternative energy – includes making products readily available

* Energy awareness programmes and workshops

* Commercial community kitchen

* Create meeting place

* Resources library, including books, DVD’s and practical items such as cold press for oils, wheat mills.

* Natural therapies