TPC House Rules

first meeting of the TPC steering group on 26 july

Transition Point Chevalier (TPC) House Rules


Purpose of the monthly meetings

  • for generating new actions and ideas
  • for subgroups to share news of their activities and useful information that may benefit other groups
  • as an opportunity for people to connect and network
  • for anyone interested in TPC to find out more and be welcomed
  • to endorse subgroups
  • to provide continuity of focus for the purpose of TPC and to build forward momentum

Structure of the monthly meetings

  • welcome and introduction by the chair, with a brief summary of what TPC is and does
  • quick round of self introduction, possibly followed by a relationship-building exercise and an overview of the structure of the meeting. [1]
  • setting the agenda – created fresh each meeting by the participants and chair, includes time allocations for each item and update from each subgroup
  • may have a theme of the night

Decision making at the monthly meetings

  • Consensus decision-making is the desired model. This means that the issue needs to be explored until everybody agrees on a decision. It does not mean that everyone believes the decision to be the best option; rather that everyone agrees that they can live with this decision in the best interests of the group moving forward.
  • Where a decision has not been reached by consensus in the time allocated for that issue, the Chair has the ultimate authority to defer the decision to a subsequent meeting or to use an alternative decision-making process such as “majority” or “consensus minus one”, depending on the urgency and gravity of the issue.
  • Tasks and responsibilities will arise which require people to undertake roles, in which decision-making is required. Some of these roles will be general responsibilities; others will be specific to certain tasks.
  • Decision-making in a role should be based on the perceived greater interest of TPC, not personal agenda.
  • Where someone in a decision-making role has a vested interest in the decision, this should be stated in advance of accepting the role.

Chair of the monthly meetings

  • The chair will be assigned at a prior meeting. This scheduling will take place in the next fortnight. Anyone interested in chairing one of the meetings should approach a member of the steering group tonight after the meeting.
  • The chair will introduce the meeting and concept of TPC.
  • The chair shall check the actions on the minutes of the previous meeting before the meeting and place on the agenda only those items which need to be discussed.
  • The chair will facilitate the pace of the meeting and ensure that time frames are kept.
  • If people wish to put an item on the agenda and/or have it advertised in advance of the meeting, they need to contact the chair of the meeting. A list of meeting chairs and contact details will appear on the website.


  • A point-of-contact person is required. Like all roles, this role shall be filled by any individual only temporarily.
  • The point of contact person can make decisions about how to respond to queries about TPC. It is suggested that for complex decisions she or he attempt to consult with other TPC members for advice.
  • The point-of-contact should report back to the monthly meeting a brief summary of any communications.
  • Ruth MacClure is the initial point-of-contact person.

Media Spokesperson

  • One spokesperson, or ideally several, are required. Like all roles, these roles shall be filled by any individual only temporarily.
  • The media person can discuss TPC with external organisations as he or she sees fit. It is suggested that for major opportunities, he or she attempt to consult with other TPC members as to their interest in participating.
  • Each spokesperson shall report back to the monthly meeting a brief summary of any communications.
  • Finn Mackesy and Niki Harre are the initial spokespeople.


  • Any resident of Point Chevalier – or anyone with a strong connection to Point Chevalier - can propose a subgroup.
  • Subgroups need to be endorsed by the monthly meeting.
  • To be considered for endorsement, subgroups shall provide to a monthly meeting a Statement of Purpose and a description of how this links to the TPC's Statement of Purpose.
  • Subgroups shall send at least one representative to each monthly meeting, who shall report on the subgroup's news and activities.
  • Each subgroup needs the contact details of a contact person to be put on the web page.
  • Subgroups may act without referring decisions to the monthly meetings.
  • Subgroups shall decide on their own decision-making processes, as and when they need to.
  • Subgroups are encouraged to network with existing groups in related fields.
  • Any person present at a monthly meeting can query whether the reported activities of a subgroup are within TPC's vision.
  • The chair can ask a Subgroup to report back on how their activities are within TPC's vision, or to lose their endorsement as a Subgroup.


<back to TPC home page>

[1] First we are going to do a round and introduce ourselves, then we will move on to a brief exercise which will help you to get to know each other a little better. Following this we are going to set the agenda and we will finish the meeting with a wrap up before we wind up at 9:30. If anyone is available to help put chairs away after the meeting that would be most appreciated.