Minutes from Steering Group meeting 2008-08-14

Present: Barbara, Belinda, Dawn, Tom; Absent: none, Apologies: none. Minutes: Tom

Position of Steering Group Members

Revisited notes from 1st meeting (2008-04): have completed most of goals and achieved a lot. Discussed our positions on Steering Group:

  • Barbara: proud of what we’ve achieved—foundations, momentum, public awareness. Wants to continue to Great Unleashing and will wait till work passed over to replacement, then probably move to Food Group.
  • Belinda: agrees. Will keep going for bit, but not just drifting on. Wants to relocalise as feels energy being sapped elsewhere.
  • Dawn: as above. Like socialising aspect. Will keep going for now. Concerned about Transition Town movement becoming clouded. Wants to draw in middle New Zealanders. Keen on our group showing Transition Towns working through collaboration
  • Tom: as above. Concerned about movement carrying on without us—not enough momentum yet. Will keep going for now.

Noted there’s threads, networks, from our work, even if we can’t see them.

Steering Group Recruitment


  • Keep to maximum of 6 else too unwieldy
  • Invite new people to experience Steering Group at a ‘Penthouse debriefing session’ (after a public meeting).
  • Try each other out for couple of SG meetings before making permanent
  • Looking for enthusiasm, time, collaboration. Anything else optional!
  • This position requires burst of energy for set time

Barbara, Dawn, Marc to contact the 4 potential candidates.

Official Transition Town Status

Agreed to apply for this. Belinda to draft and distribute to Steering Group.


Discussed upcoming public meetings.

Tom to organise Transport mailing list

Tom to draft application for grant and distribute to Steering Group.