Point Chevalier

We are clear on using a Transition model and inspired and ready to go. We are attempting to bypass the initial core group by setting up some ground rules, processes and guidelines immediately and have a monthly open meeting to manage all the rest of it - and let sub-groups go for it from the get go.


Transition Pt. Chev is having its first open public meeting on the 18th of June.


The contact person is Ruth MacClure: ruth@polyphony.co.nz

Jo Elvidge attended the first open public meeting on the 18th of June:

We went to Wednesday night’s meeting of the Pt Chev transition town network. What a buzz! Thirty or forty people present and they all looked like people I’d like to get to know; people with ideas, energy, vision, passion and the intent to make a difference. What does it say about our lives when we can live within a square mile of all these interesting folk without knowing it?

I’m beginning to get that networks – fabulous rich networks are likely to be a welcome part of this move to consume fewer resources.

We all discussed our vision for Pt Chev of the future – a great smorgasbord of ideas: fruit tress growing on the kurbside providing kids with snacks on their way to school, restarting the farmer’s market to share local produce, local currency, great urban cycleways, getting the tram back, having horses and no cars, cleaning up the local waterways, making the shopping area more user friendly, integrating young people into the community, a wind turbine in Coyle Park.

We talked about the problems we might have to face in the future. How would the city infrastructure hold up? Could we count on water supply, power, waste disposal?

Some of the project groups proposed included food production, cycling, cleaning the waterways, and planning local events.

The Pt Chev library has agreed to set up a transition town / peak oil info corner for people who want to find out more. But the best way to find out more and get involved would be to come to the meetings – next one is Wednesday 16 July, Pt Chev Primary, 7.30-9pm, kids and young people welcome.