Fruit trees

Rimu's picture

Wellington South Transition Towns is working towards the planting of fruit trees in both community and private areas.


  • We have an invite from local Councillor Celia Wade-Brown to meet with Community Gardens Policy staff and to present our ideas to the Strategy & Policy Committee.
  • We have quickly spotted a number of suitable places, including the old caretaker's cottage area on the eastern side of the golf course and a little-used dog exercise area by the bay. Already one member has reported that her landlord has put up a budget of $ 200 for a fruit-tree planting effort around his property.


The photo shows members Ricky, John, Wayne and Rowan meeting at the Home of Compassion Community Gardens to discuss action, including possible planting around that area. Ricky and John are key members in the Island Bay World Service, who are drawing attention to the global scale of the problems we face.