Lessons and updates from TT groups around the country - wgtn

Rimu's picture

James Samuel will be giving a presentation on what all the other TT groups around the country are up to and how we can learn from them.

After this a World Cafe will be held (you can check out http://www.theworldcafe.com/ if you want to know about those processes, or you can just turn up and be pleasantly surprised).

7 ~ 9.30pm at the Centre for Global Action (2nd story James Smith building on the corner of Cuba St and Manners Mall).

7 ~ 8pm James "National Trends and Lessons Learned"

8 ~ 8:15 Question time

8:15 ~ 9:15 World Cafe (discussing "What would it take for Transition Towns to really take off in Wellington?")

9:15 tea and mingling


Location / Venue: 
Centre for Global Action (2nd story James Smith building on the corner of Cuba St and Manners Mall).