Permaculture Design Course in modules locally



This course, held in Nelson Province, takes places in various venues in Nelson, Motueka and Golden Bay. This new approach to the standard Permaculture Design Course is divided into 12 modules, held during nine weekends from October 2008 to June 2009. All modules include hands-on projects to build peoples’ practical skills, to enhance learning, and to have fun! They are offered over one or two days, allowing some flexibility for part-time participants. However, you need to attend all modules and complete a design project, if you want to attain the Permaculture Certificate. Foundation modules, one and two, are being offered twice so that people can start off closer to home. All tutors have a background in permaculture as well as their own specialties.

See below for more details (copied from brochure).



This course, held in Nelson Province, takes places in various

venues in Nelson, Motueka and Golden Bay. This

new approach to the standard Permaculture Design

Course is divided into 12 modules, held during nine

weekends from October 2008 to June 2009. All modules

include hands-on projects to build peoples’ practical

skills, to enhance learning, and to have fun! They are offered

over one or two days, allowing some flexibility for

part-time participants. However, you need to attend all

modules and complete a design project, if you want to

attain the Permaculture Certificate. Foundation modules,

one and two, are being offered twice so that people can

start off closer to home. All tutors have a background in

permaculture as well as their own specialties.

Module 1. Philosophy & Design

This introduces the ethics and principles of permaculture,

and you will learn about its applications and methods of

design. We will explore the aims and objectives of permaculture

living and how it is implemented, how it can

be applied to different living environments, the methods

of ecological design, and the Permaculture approach to

healthy, sustainable living.

Module 2. Landscape & Site Assessment

We will look at the landscape and show you how to read

the natural patterns, land forms and features of your site.

It will include techniques of observation and awareness

about landforms, topography, exposure to weather and

other factors, and how to gather important information

on both the natural site composition and its cultural implications.

During the weekend of Modules 1 & 2, you will be introduced

to the main design project, which you will develop

progressively throughout the course. The aim of the project

is to apply permaculture design to a specific site or

proposal, while

making use of

the knowledge

and techniques

learnt during the


Module 3. Soils & Gardening

In this two-day module we will show you the different

approaches to designing a Permaculture garden that will

work for you. You will have the opportunity to get your

hands dirty learning the nature of soil, soil preparations,

composting techniques, soil testing, and the relationship

between soil, plants and animals. The second day will

cover garden layout, design, preparation, the different

types of gardens, plant health, weed management and

seed propagation.

Module 4. Energy & Technology

We are entering the era of energy descent. You will learn

about the importance and nature of energy sources, and

learn how to become more self-reliant and energy efficient.

We will cover the nature and types of energy, the

sources of energy, including fossil fuels, physical renewable

and bio-renewable, energy analysis, technology and

the application of science, transport and energy alternatives,

including conservation, demand reduction and use

of renewable resources.

Module 5. Climatic Influences

The atmosphere and climate have a major impact on Permaculture

design, and different climatic zones require

different approaches to the way we live. We cover atmospheric

impacts, including air quality, pollution and

climate change. We focus on micro-climates and how to

utilize them in designing for optimum productivity,

shade and shelter.

Module 6. Water in the Landscape

This module looks at water from a watershed/catchment

perspective. It’s about understanding the nature and

importance of water, identifying its sources and its cycles,

analyzing its quality, learning how to harvest, store, use

and conserve it. We will also learn about watershed

management and aquaculture systems.

Module 7. Orchards, Row Crops & Small Animals

This focuses on the basics of backyard food production,

the design and layout of an orchard. We cover We look at

the selection of the best crops for specific climates and site

characteristics, planting, propagation, pollination and

orchard management including soil fertility and plant

health. We cover the integration of small animals (e.g.

chickens, ducks), their importance to manuring and recycling

within an orchard, and their management.

Module 8. Large Animals & Forestry

We look at larger scales of farming, the management and

care of large animals (e.g. pigs, sheep, cows) and their

role in agroforestry systems. We will address the effects

of grazing and manuring, the management and care of

these animals, including

grazing management,

water demands,

health care, and the

construction of animal

structures. We also

look at the role of forests,

appropriate species,

forest regeneration,

uses and services,

and forestry management.

Module 9. Hazards & Catastrophes

In this short module we look at the importance of acknowledging

hazards, and planning accordingly to reduce

exposure and risk of natural, personal, social, economic

and societal hazards. We learn practical ways to

mitigate risks, and how to design most effectively for


Module 10. Ecological Building

Permaculture design teaches you how to build a living

environment for physical, mental and emotional wellbeing

while being in harmony with your surroundings.

We cover the principles of ecological building, including

using local and natural materials, relating orientation and

layout to the site environment, and building design specifics.

Module 11. Urban Living

Over 86% of the developed

world’s population lives in cities

that are dependent upon the

countryside for water, food,

building materials, power etc, and

to absorb all the waste. As energy

descent impacts on our economy,

this weekend looks at sustainable

ideas for retrofitting cities. This

includes the challenges of living in the city, reducing your

ecological footprint, suburban retrofitting, high-density

living, collective food production, and building urban


Module 12. Sustainable Culture

What is our responsibility as citizens of planet earth? During

this weekend we explore the interface between nature

and culture. We look at transformations in ourselves, our

communities, and our economies to bring about a shared

sustainable culture. We also investigate invisible structures

that shape our lives, such as the forms of ownership

and access to resources, the function and issue of money,

decision-making and conflict management.

Design Project

During this weekend, we will complete our design projects,

developed through the course. This will conclude

with a presentation, celebration and certificate giving.


Oct 18/19

Nov 1/2

Nov 22/23

Dec 7 (Sun)

Jan 31/Feb 1

Feb 28/March 1

March 28/29

April 25/26

May 23/24

June 13/14

Nelson Modules 1 & 2Golden Bay Modules 1 & 2Motueka Module 3Motueka Module 4Golden Bay Modules 5 & 6Nelson Modules 7 & 8Motueka Modules 9 & 10Nelson Module 11Golden Bay Module 12Nelson Design Project


Richard Walker

- Eco-engineer & Earth Building Designer

Sol Morgan

– Organic Gardening Educator (GroWise)

Bruce Geddes

- Renewable Energy Systems Consultant

Nick Kiddey

- Urban Sustainability Planner

Inna Alex

- Landscape Architect & Environmental Planner

Ted Howard

– Peak Oil Activist, Community Networker

Robina McCurdy


– Permaculture & Community Development

and others …



overnight accommodation. To provide continuity and

reduce travel overheads, participants are encouraged to

stay overnight near the venue on Saturday nights. We are

happy to help you find inexpensive accommodation or

billeting nearby.

The venues usually do not provide


from one area, so carpooling longer distances should be

possible. We can help facilitate this close to the time.

We anticipate the attendance of several people


Lunches are potluck style, provided by participants. The

provision of Saturday dinners will vary according to the

venue location. However, this is not included in the registration


We will provide morning and afternoon teas.


Whole course: $1050-870

Module 1 & 2 weekend: $ 150-125

Further weekends: $ 175-150

(income based sliding scale)


By October 1, 2008

Deposit of $200 for the whole course, and $50 for the introductory

and further weekends.

This is designed as a full Permaculture Certificate course,

and attendance priority will be given to people registering

for the whole course. We are allocating 5 spaces only

per weekend to part-time registrants, so early registration

is advised. Registration is due by 1 month before the date

of weekend events.

For enquiries and registration please contact

Inna Alex at



for sustainable land use

a monthly modular-style

certificate course

October 2008 - June 2009

‘Top of the South’

Nelson / Motueka / Golden Bay

Earthcare Education Aotearoa