Waiheke inventory of initiatives and resources

What is this?

Waiheke has an amazing amount of community action! Transition Waiheke is creating an inventory of Waiheke community initiatives and resources. The inventory will help people and groups connect up with each other, and will provide a list of resources that people can draw on to support their work.

Take a look, you may want to add something to the list or update something already listed. We really need to have contacts (e.g. an email address) against each initive so that people and groups can connect with each other. To add or edit the list you can either jump in and [[Edit this page]]. or email claire on clairemortimer@clear.net.nz with what you would like added.

We will develop and adapt the categories of the inventories over time and we are aiming to set up a calender of events so that groups can advertise their own events and meetings.

Current catagories

Communication and Information
Culture and arts
Democratic decision-making
Economics and Livelihoods
Gardens and Food
Heart and Soul - the psychology of change
Resources and Waste
Sustainable buildings and urban form
Timber and Fibre

Communication and Information

Cinema - A 50 seat cinema, run by a community owned non-profit trust, what more could you ask for. A Tuesday night documentary night happens every 1st and 3rd Tuesday of the month. Contacts: (09) 372 4240; waihekecinema@gmail.com; or visit the waiheke cinema website

Digital Media Collective - In place and active. This is a group of Waiheke people who are making vidios on the island then sharing them with others via the cinema and other venues like waiheke tv. If anyone has queries or are also making vidios, contact Hue on hueross@slingshot.co.nz

www.waiheke.tv - is a Waiheke vidio blog site dedicated to showing Waiheke made and based vidio, so any one who has or is developing vidio projects can use this site to show their work contact Hue on hueross@slingshot.co.nz

Library - in Artworks and an extraordinary resource. Has free internet access and computer tuition. Telephone: (09) 374 1325, Fax: (09) 372 8153

Tivoli Bookshop - Has a DVD lending Library, sharing documentary film to keen viewers - this is gaining popularity. A 40 seat cinema facility, with digital projection and good sound. Located under the Retravision store in Oneroa.

Waihekepedia - A Waiheke version of the digital wikipedia this is developing into a repository for everything about the island.

Waiheke Radio - a not-for-profit, community radio service for Waiheke Island. This service will provide radio programming that reflects the unique character and needs of the Waiheke community. In addition the service will offer facilities, advice, training and technical support for Waiheke people to make and broadcast their own radio programmes.

Culture and Arts

Arts and Music - We are blessed with an abundance of artists of all types. When the time comes to unleash Transition Towns on Waiheke it will be one heck of a party.

Democratic decision-making

Please add what you are doing here


'''All three schools on the island are members of the national enviroschools programme which is a student led holistic environmental programme


An Energy Group is about to have its first meeting (2nd week of April). For more information, contact Ben Levi Ph: 372 8561 or ben@dialogue.org

WISE - Waiheke Island Sustainable Energy is an initiative founded in 2002, but relatively dormant at present. Others are also looking into wind and tide potential for the island.

Economics and Livelihoods

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Gardens and Food

Community Garden - Now into its third summer season, it is looking better than ever, with heavy mulch and a wide variety of produce. This could be expanded to backyards dotted all over the island... There is an application being submitted to the council now, for two new community garden spaces at the Anzac and Blackpool reserves. Contact Jennifer Fountain email genuinejen@paradise.net.nz

Food Exchange Stall - Also in its third summer, the stall is at the Ostend Market every Saturday, look out for it, bring your excess from your garden. As well as exchanging food, the food exchange accepts donations from people wanting food and having nothing to offer, and this koha goes to the community garden fund. Please contact Robin Griffiths on 372 7662

Seedsavers - A group which is collecting seeds and sharing knowledge about what works on the island. It meets on the last Sunday of every month. Please contact James Samuel 372 8737 or james.samuel@transitiontowns.org.nz

Organiponico raised bed gardening - a workshop was held and attended by 30+ people. Two sets of forms are now available for building the beds, and these can be hired out across the island. Contact James Samuel 372 8737 or james.samuel@transitiontowns.org.nz

Gardens and Food initiatives being developed

Fruit Trees - The Waiheke Collection

Virtual Orchard - In conjunction with the Fruit Tree goup, the idea here is to ensure we are using all that already exists. And to do this by mapping all the fruit trees, making agreements with property owners, and harvesting, selling and processing the produce. Please call James Samuel on 09-372 8737 for information, or offers of help.

Sharing Backyards - An idea that has captured the imagination of some local computer software people. Using google maps to note where there is land, that people are happy to have used for food growing. This can be extended to include a database of trees... We can share this software across the country when it is up and running. Please call James Samuel on 09-372 8737 for information

Super Co-op - Still in concept stage, but research has been done and contacts made. The idea is to combine individual co-ops to give members a number of advantages in ordering and delivery of goods. This would also lead to valuable data about the foods we need to live on. A possible food bank, finding growers to supply the fresh goods, once we have the consumption data. The super co-op could be a window into the community. Food is needed by all, and information could be disseminated with order deliverys. Currently some progress is being made on a model fashioned after the coop example from Raglan.


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Heart and Soul - the psychology of change

Please add what you are doing here

Resources and Waste

Waste Resource Trust – Doing and Promoting - reusing and recycling – in action at the transfer centre and also through their office/shop and education (Contact Denise Roche - denise at wrt.org.nz)

Waste vegetable oil - is already being recycled and used in the Clean Streams waste vehicles

Sustainable buildings and urban form

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Timber and Fibre

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Betta Buses Campaign - A committee coordinated by the Waiheke Green party has created a “betta buses” campaign, launched on global climate change day, Dec. 8, 2007. Our aim is sustainable transport practices on Waiheke. Our goals: 1. to increase public awareness of how using the bus can cut down on greenhouse emissions and therefore combat climate change; 2. to inform the Waiheke bus company and regional transport agencies, such as ARTA, of needed improvements in the bus service that would increase bus patronage. We are also researching the possibilities of alternative fuels and services. Please contact Marta Fisch if you would like to participate: martaf@xtra.co.nz

Cycle Action Waiheke is meeting with supportive council personnel to plan first cycle path.

Transport initiatives being developed

Smart Transport - still in concept stage, but essentially a cooperative taxi-like service using a variey of small and medium sized vehicles that roam the island in response to individual requests, all managed by a central software system.