TRANSITION TAURANGA - transitioning Tauranga to a brighter future

Transition Tauranga


Steering Group


Transition Projects


Meeting&Event Updates

Initiatives We Like



Transition Tauranga is part of the Transition Towns movement: a grass roots approach to making our communities more self-reliant in the face of peak oil and climate change.

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Here in the western Bay of Plenty we have a region rich in natural resources and natural beauty. Produce abounds in our temperate climate and clean oceans. Let’s keep it that way!

The challenges presented to us today by climate change and peak oil are perhaps the greatest that humanity has faced. We have a golden opportunity for rethinking the way we live and making conscious choices about what kind of community and world we would like to live in.

By working with each other, we can support each other and get things done. We can seek local solutions. We can experiment and try out new sustainable approaches... local food, local energy, local industry.

Change is coming whether we like it or not – and a planned response to the change will leave us in a much stronger position than if we wait until change is upon us. We won't always know the answers but together we have the energy and innovation to create them.

If you would like to learn more and become part of our growing network to ensure Tauranga has a brighter future ahead please email us at