Transition Point Chevalier - Mission Statement


Transition Point Chevalier

Mission Statement


Transition Point Chevalier is committed to creating an inclusive, cooperative, compassionate, fun-loving and vibrant community in Point Chevalier, by living and acting locally, applying sustainable practices and developing community resilience.


The basis for the statement comes from a community hui in which the following values and actions were offered as guiding ideas by the participants. 


Being own to new things, compassion, consciousness, cooperation, creativity, fun, growth / learning, health, inclusiveness, interdependence, positivity, respect, sense of belonging, sharing, trust, vibrance.


Awareness raising, being positive, buying locally produced products, composting (toilets), cooperative buying and selling, empowering others, fair trade organic super market, informing others, kaitiakitanga (stewardship), listening, making submissions to council plans, manaakitanga (taking care of each other), more environmental education, planting vegetables and fruit trees, rain tanks, recycling, riding your bike, singing in groups, small actions and events, talking with your neighbours, walking, wind and solar power, worm farms.


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