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updated 19 Jan 2012
Join the Transition Johnsonville email group
Nov-Dec 08 Lecture Series
Transition Johnsonville
Transition Johnsonville is currently dormant - feel free to join the email group though if you'd like to fire things up again!Join the Transition Johnsonville email group
Next Event:
TBAPrevious Events:
Saturday January 23th - Garden workshop and Pot Luck at Geoff's place
Thanks to everyone who came along to the garden tour on Saturday. Six of us harvested a 10kg+ crop of potatoes and had a lively and wide-ranging discussion.
Near the end we discussed what the group would like to do next. It was agreed that it would be great to meet again, and perhaps for more work and less talking. Several people have mentioned they could do with a hand getting a garden going. Helen and Jenny (Elaine's friend, have I got your name right??) both have space where we could get a vege patch started, and Brian wants to make a earth roof for Nicola's shed. I'm sure there's others out there that could do with a garden working bee.
So the door's open for someone to put their hand up and say "I'd like to host the next one". I'm happy to help organize it, particularly getting materials together if we're establishing a garden.
PS: Sarah also volunteered to give a talk about herbal medicine for one of our evening gatherings. I'm looking forward to hearing from Nicola about when we can book the J'Ville community center and get some of these films and discussions under way.
Nov-Dec 08 Lecture Series
The lecture series was a huge success - we had about 25 people along most nights and what's more, mainly the
same people so we have had a chance to get to know each other. After the permaculture talk, we started bringing
extras from our garden to share on these evenings, people brought extra vegies, comfrey root, manure tea,
seedlings, homemade jams.....we are very keen to continue this throughout our events in 2009!
The last evening in the series was a planning session for 2009, out of that we have a document that outlines
what we would like to see happen in Transition Johnsonville this year and a bit about our structure going forward.
- film evenings every 2 months
- more hands on activities: garden workshops rotating around each others gardens so that we can share and learn together
- structure: we have not yet formed a steering committee, however many of us are keen to get involved as and when we can. So we have decided to form Event Committees for each event - this means the commitment is for a shorter period, but also spreads the load and allows everyone to get involved as and when they can.
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