Gathering at the local garden group after the event - picture 2.

Gathering at the local garden group after the event - picture 2.

permission to use this image

Dear Mr. Kivvi:

My name is Yuefeng Guo. I am a PhD Candidate at the University of Auckland.  I have wrote a paper for  SAHANZ20009 Conference which will held in July in Auckland  (please see In the paper, How Cultural Habits Influence Change in Behaviour: Moving towards Sustainability, I have compared different approaches to sustainability between Transition Towns NZ and Sustainable communities in China.


I wonder if I may have your permission to use the mage of the local garden from in the paper. If you are interested in the paper, I can send a copy to you.


I show my great gratitude to you for your time and consideration!

I am looking forward to your reply at your earliest convenience.


Yours sincerely,
