Wellington Meeting Minutes 20080130

Second meeting 30 Jan 2008 held at Centre for Global Action

Outline of the meeting (feel free to add to this if you were there)

Community Currencies

Nicola spoke briefly about community currencies, suggesting that it would be good to upskill prior to Miguels visit in April so that we are able to make the most of his expertise on this subject. It would be great to screen "Money As Debt" at the next meeting (March 26th) and have a speaker lined up to answer questions afterwards. Will email round the group to check interest in this.


Film of the evening was Jo Duff's presentation on Transition Towns, which was a great way to set the mood.

Subrub groupings

We broke into suburb groupings of Wellington Central, Wellington South, Hutt Valley, Wellington West and Wellington North. Each of these groups discussed their area's resources and limitations, most groups made a time to meet again more locally. There was a lot of energy in the room, lots of discussion and certainly plenty of commitment to carry on and expand.

Community Gardens

There seemed to be quite a lot of interest in Community Gardens, and it was noted that there is an appropriate event on soon - Te Aro Community Gardener's Solidarity Tour - which is March 8th 10am - 2:30pm.


Koha for use of room ($75 for the room) - koha came to $78.90 plus our kitty which was $15 so we have a total of $98.90. This has been added to our Accounts Book page. Everyone's generosity with respect to the koha is greatly appreciated (by us all!) as it means that we can continue to use this venue which is very large, central and well suited to showing films!

Kia kaha tatou katoa!