Transition training

It was a very full four days, and I am still processing what was given and am deepening my appreciation of the lessons. All 18 of us who came together at the Earthsong community to take the Transition train-the-trainer course, expressed deeply felt gratitude to Sophy and Naresh in the closing circle. I was left wondering at the speed at which Transition is being embraced in NZ and how much the TT movement has grown in just one year.

On a personal note, I was cleaning up the desktop of my computer tonight and found a small file written on the 15th of January - a week before the training began.

What do I want from the training?

I would like to come away from these four days with a sense that there is a greater sharing of the leadership of Transition Towns Aotearoa, and some practical steps for how to maintain that. It has been an intense personal journey over the last 15 months, and while I am confident that I have served during this period of intense growth of the transition movement in New Zealand, I am wanting to feel the presence of a team I can work with, who share the vision and the work. I see the work as being to enliven, enable and support people who are wanting to embrace the transition tools to help move from oil dependency and build local resilience.

On the way home on the ferry on Monday night, I realised that my part in the last four days was more as a facilitator than as a participant. I felt I was in my own way holding a space for something to grow, rather than being there to "take the training". It was after the evaluation session, that I began to feel the possibility that there really was a pool of people who were stepping into the place of caring for the needs of transition in NZ. I knew I was hoping for this but wasn't assuming it to be so, and yet in the last ten minutes of the last day, I was able to say from my heart the thing I had been wanting to... that "here is the baby, and I know that together we will take good care of her."

I look forward to seeing the calendar of training events start to fill in over the coming weeks and months as you ask for transition training, and these new trainers find the slots in their calendar to bring it to you. Please direct your enquiries to