
Food Forest Hui – September 26-28

Ten of the best permaculture designers from around the country, are converging on Auckland from September 26th-28th to offer New Zealand’s first three day Food Forest Hui and Training.

If you hold a permaculture design certificate (or have extensive experience in this area) and are interested in learning more about how to design and implement food forest systems, and to help create short courses to share with others, then don’t miss this event.

Register your interest now and we’ll be in touch.

Why forests of food

The logic of moving from the practice of turning soil to grow annual crops is becoming compelling in the face of more extreme weather events. While moving slowly around the country over the last few weeks, I’ve had the pleasure of engaging in dialogue on this subject with over 200 people at public meetings and in small groups. It’s clear that there is a tremendous increase in the number of people wanting to know more about how to put these food forest ideas into practice.

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First Auckland Transition Training - 11,12 July

Transition Communities Waitakere is pleased to announce the upcoming Transition Training Waitakere for those interested in getting more into and more from their Transition Towns experience.  The event will run 11 & 12 July in Waiatarua, Waitakere City.  Please click the above link for more details. » Read more

Come and join us for some meaningful dialogue

Transition training in Northland, May 23rd-24th, 2009

Northland Training website

Ruth Marsh and I have been in dialogue for a while about this one, and have agreed to co-facilitate a weekend event using the best that the Transition Towns movement has to offer. » Read more

Transition training

It was a very full four days, and I am still processing what was given and am deepening my appreciation of the lessons. All 18 of us who came together at the Earthsong community to take the Transition train-the-trainer course, expressed deeply felt gratitude to Sophy and Naresh in the closing circle. I was left wondering at the speed at which Transition is being embraced in NZ and how much the TT movement has grown in just one year.

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Train the trainer in Waitakere

Here are a few pics to let you know what is happening over this long weekend.

Here isa pic from Thursday night's presentation at the Waitakere Council Chambers


And a couple of pics from Day 1 of the four day Train the Trainer course which began yesterday..

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