Community Car-pooling - is it possible?

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Joined: 7 Feb 2009
Community Car-pooling - is it possible?

I've been carless (mainly by choice) for the 1st time in my life for over a year now and it's been interesting. Really notice all the vehicles now that just carry a driver. Haven't needed to join the gym as I bike, walk, catch lifts if necessary and been able to borrow a family member's car (my licence is squeaky clean...hasn't been handled by all those cops I guess...just kidding). Some days I really miss not having a vehicle and that family member i mentioned is considering sharing their car (and costs) with me so hopefully win-win for everyone.

However being carless also got me asking the CAB and TT Kerikeri if any carpool was operating in Kerikeri. There's no bus service apart from the schools' and expensive taxis that require booking. They encouraged me to get an article written in a local paper, but then I realised that vehicle owners need some real incentive (other than $ & s**, sorry jk again) to want to help a carless person. What could that be?

What about stranger-danger? There must be a tried & true method of organising some kind of screening/meeting/pre-payment? Does anyone know if/how a community carpool could work?

Joined: 4 Jul 2008
Community Carpooling


There is which covers all of NZ or if you are looking at starting up something more local Takeamate is a car pooling program that Rodney District council are trialling. It seems like a pretty well thought out system that addresses the issues you raised.





Joined: 7 Feb 2009
the ultimate carpool (!)

thanks 4 that. Was a bit blown away by the no. of sites on offer 4 carpooling. Only looked at a few and they all have their own slant/IT version. The way info is presented etc has I think plays a big part. Maybe certain localities have a particular psyche which determines their participation. But then i don't know how/if  these sites are advertised. Emailed the contact on takeamate but it bounced back so i'd have to contact that council another way.

was a bit surprised also that i got your email to my original one-time-only log..?

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