Oil Vulnerability Auditing - is anyone using it in NZ?

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senjmito's picture
Joined: 23 Jul 2008
Oil Vulnerability Auditing - is anyone using it in NZ?

One of the tools referred in the Transition Handbook is Oil Vulnerability Auditing- a programme to get businesses to analyse their vulnerabilities to depleting oil supplies & high oil prices. Has any TT group used this tool in NZ, and if so, how has it gone?

(For more on Oil Vulnerability Auditing, see http://transitionculture.org/2007/10/15/first-oil-vulnerability-audits-in-totnes-report-back/)


Joined: 14 Jul 2008
I'm keen to find out more

I'm keen to find out more about this and offer it to local businesses.  I think its a really good way for small and medium sized businesses to have reason to envisage their future and put in place strategies to become more resilient.  I think the University of Birmigham or Liverpool have been helping TTUK with this as well. 

I'll try to find out more information on this.  If anyone has experiance of this I'd be keen to hear your views as well.



senjmito's picture
Joined: 23 Jul 2008

Thanks for that, Chris.

Cheryl Lasseau
Joined: 7 Aug 2008
I asked a friend of mine

I asked a friend of mine about energy audits, and following is what she had to say.  We are in the Top of the South.  My inference is that if there are businesses providing audits, there must be businesses getting audits.


There are a few options here:

 -Businesses can conduct a self-audit by conducting a “carbon footprint”calculation – there are quite a few of these on-line. One which is gratis and reasonably thorough is on the website of the NZ Council for Sustainable Business Development.

- Of course the above is a voluntary audit. If a business intends to obtain some form of accreditation as a carbon neutral or carbon zero one the process is rigorous and best pursued through organisations such as Landcare or Cawthron.

-There are quite a few specialist firms which work with businesses (or households) to conduct a 1st, 2nd or 3rd level energy audit. EECA can provide funding to companies which spend over a specified (and very large) amount on energy every year to find ways to reduce this. EECA has been working on bringing the energy expenditure threshold down to allow smaller companies to qualify.

-There are also a much smaller number of firms which conduct full throttle emission audits, going beyond  just energy, such as Carbon South.


senjmito's picture
Joined: 23 Jul 2008
Energy Audits

Thanks, Cheryl. There are a number of these firms in Wellington as well. I know that they do general energy auditing, but I wonder if your friend would know whether they do Oil Vulnerability Auditing (or something of that sort) in particular?

Cheryl Lasseau
Joined: 7 Aug 2008
OVA as part of carbon audit


Her response to the specific focus of oil vulnerability follows. You will probably recognize some of the names.


Any  “carbon” audits would of course involve all GHG emitting materials and processes, including fossil fuels, whether this was from the supply chain, manufacturing, distribution or vehicle fleet/staff & mgt transport. There are numerous organisations that offer these - have a look at NZ websites for Carbon South; Cawthron; Landcare; NZ Business Council for Sustainable Development and Offset the Rest.

Joined: 20 Mar 2009

Ill add my name to the list of interested people,

I was actually looking to see if i could find weather there was any software or established method to do this kind of audit when i came across this thread,

I can provide the following link to the liverpool university web site skematic



senjmito's picture
Joined: 23 Jul 2008
Thanks for the link, Alan.

Thanks for the link, Alan. There's some useful information on that site, though it is frustratingly short of detail in places. They link to the following Transition Culture article describing an actual workshop which I found helpful:



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