Mt Albert Community Movie Night

Come and join us at the Gladstone Primary School Staffroom to view the inspirational and thought provoking movie, 'The Power of Community' - a documentary about Cuba's unique response to Peak Oil. There will be time built in to mingle and meet other aware members of our community as well as discuss the movie itself.

Time: 7pm - 9:30pm.

Gold coin Koha to cover refreshments.

For more information, contact Jo or Karen at


Location / Venue: 
Gladstone Primary School Staffroom



It was excellent tonight. The movie was both revealing and inspirational - we have alot to learn! I am sure that alot of thinking, talking and debating will be going on at the meetings and from that imaginative ideas for a better future will come.

A colleague of mine is involved in a UK 'movement' called Leeds Love it Share it (great title) see their website by clicking here I think that they have done alot of interesting and meaningful things.

I am interested in all areas of sustainable design and practice (I teach product design at Unitec). For those of you who might like to take a peek into what this means a great source is bio thinking by Edwin Dafshetski to see his website click here and for great downloads from his site click here. See you at the next meeting

Cheers, Roger


Hi Roger,

Thanks again for coming along to our gathering.  Looking forward to collaborating on some great ideas :)
