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Mt Albert TT Steering Group Meeting
Our first Steering Group meeting is scheduled for Monday 27 April. At the meeting we will continue to make connections and work on some project ideas. Anyone who feels they might be interested in becoming involved in a Mt Albert TT project is welcome to attend. We look forward to seeing you there.
Location / Venue:
Gladstone Primary School Staff Room
Recent Transition Mt Albert Steering Group Meeting
We held our second Steering Group meeting on Monday 27 April. Here is a summary of the conversations that were held at the meeting.
There was a discussion regarding our group title and for now decided to run with ‘Transition Mt Albert’ and be open to other titles as we evolve.
Wehad a conversation around objectives including community groups running independently and co-operatively in Mt Albert; The creation and publication of a network/database/community directory to help re-localise and in formalise community links in Mt Albert; The creation of a physical community base and resource bank/centre to be used by Mt Albert residents; The wish to provide a forum for speakers, movies and discussion; To create a logo that is special to Mt Albert and recognisable as a Transition Mt Albert logo.
We talked about media exposure and making some contacts in this area. We conversed about community links and the value of the wisdom of our elders.
Public meetings will take place on the last THURSDAY of every month. The next meeting (movie) will take place on 28th May and every last Thursday after that. Our next steering group meeting is on Thursday 21st May.
Next Steering Group Meet
could you remind me please - is the next meeting this coming Thursday at 7.00pm? Lookign forward to seeing you all there.
Roger (Bateman)