W3 Rideshare

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Scott Willis
Scott Willis's picture
Joined: 2 Jul 2008
W3 Rideshare

The idea here is that this is an online forum where participants and other users can communicate with other members, make recommendations on how the scheme should run.  This forum can also be used to establish more formal carpooling arrangements.

The forum will work if it is used - i.e if people post to it. Don't be shy, any short/long/whatever comments are welcome. Maybe you know of other successful examples in NZ, and here would be a good place to post those examples.

So please let us know if you have any suggestions.  (you will need to log on or register to add comments)

We intend to now and then organise a community meeting (as part of the WEP meetings) to discuss issues raised in this forum.

To return to the main W3 Rideshare page click here.

jackiefanning's picture
Joined: 7 Dec 2008
arm bandsI

I was wondering if perhaps the arm bands weren't visible enough!

Joined: 6 Jun 2009
W3 rideshare

I have never seen one of the armbands but I do go into town quite late, about 9.30am. There don't seem to be many hitchers at that time of day. Only once have I picked up a person who identified themselves as a rideshare member and it was nice to find the $2 left.

jackiefanning's picture
Joined: 7 Dec 2008
A W3 Rideshare member told me

A W3 Rideshare member told me that all is OK with the scheme - but the lower petrol costs has meant not a lot of people are using it.  When the price of petrol goes up we will see more people using W3. What do you think?

Carl Scott
Joined: 26 Oct 2008
I think you are right Jackie.

I think you are right Jackie. When the petrol prices go up again, people will start using the scheme more. It seems that many people (not all though) often choose convenience over saving the environment. But when that convenience starts to be expensive, they suddenly become much "Greener" in their lifestyle choices. Ha ha. Petrol WILL go up again. Then people will be more enthusiastic about using W3. Keep up the good work.

Scott Willis
Scott Willis's picture
Joined: 2 Jul 2008
W3 Rideshare experience

I hitched before W3, and after the W3 formation too, as a member. The only thing that changed was that now there is a contribution to those providing the ride when they belong to the W3 rideshare network.

There is still the challenge of getting rides outside of peak times.

There don't seem to be as many people advertising that they are W3 cars.

There has been a raised awareness of ridesharing generally.

I've never been picked up outside the designated W3 Rideshare spot in North Dunedin, despite waiting (once).

I've only ever worn my arm band once, and it didn't seem to make any discernable difference. I'm still picked up by locals or extra-locals or strangers on an evenly distributed basis, at peak flow time.

Now however, working mostly in Waitati, I don't have to worry as much. How are others finding it?

Joined: 6 Jun 2009
Let's shift up a gear

I was amused to read a comment recently in a Community Board publication when oor great leader said (not verbatim but soimething like) "Ahnd noo, we hahve a sucessful rrrrridesharrrring sairrrrrrrvice" and good on Alasdair for saying that because it's always good to be positive. But it has slipped off a bit.

I don't like the armbanden, I feel a bit of a git wearing one. Actually, I often hitch in a roadworks vest. People stop thinking they have to, and by then they might as well pick you up.

I am really keen on getting W3 to be workable for nighttime, for the after-movie after-dinner-out set, and coincidentally for me who finishes work at 11pm, at the newspaper. Many nurses finish around this time too. Let's make it work. Phone Peter 4822441 mornings only or 021 1372129 if interested.

Carl Scott
Joined: 26 Oct 2008
Rideshare via the Internet !?!

This idea is really only for people wanting to organise a REGULAR ride...

The majority of people in NZ now have a Home Computer, and an Internet connection. Those who don’t can always go to the Library. There are already THREE online services (that I know of – there may be more) that allow people with Cars, and people needing Rides to connect, and to make Rideshare arrangements.

These are:
“Jayride” (formerly called “Hitch”) www.jayride.co.nz,

“Carshare.co.nz” www.carshare.co.nz,


“Take A Mate” www.takeamate.greenride.com/en-US/

The idea with all of them is that...

A: If you have a Car and are able to give people a Ride, it is a place to let them know.


B: If you are someone who needs a Ride, then likewise, it is a place to let people with Cars know.

Now here’s the KEY thing (in my opinion)... If everyone wanting to rideshare in the Blueskin Bay & Coast area joined JUST ONE of these sites – I.e. everyone used the SAME SITE - then I think we could get something working.

Alternatively, perhaps some clever person with Website-making skills could make an exclusively local site?

Or, perhaps we could just have a web page (like this one) where people Post “Rides Available” and/or “Rides Needed”. That would certainly be easier to set up, although perhaps not so easy to use?

Of course, none of this really helps the “casual” people. They might still have to look at hitchhiking, the bus, or other alternatives. But for people offering and/or wanting a regular ride, it could be just the thing.


I'm interested to see what other folk think about this...

Scott Willis
Scott Willis's picture
Joined: 2 Jul 2008
Internet and Local Rideshare


I think you've got yourself a job here!

The key problem with national web sites is that they spread a limited pool of people over a very large area. It just seems too haphazard to use such sites unless you have time, are prepared to plan, or are truly dedicated to the cause. We do need a method to make this have broad appeal.

Is it ChCh that has a safe web based rideshare/carpool facility for a distinct geographical area? I can't recall offhand, but there was/is at least one paid co-ordinator, one secure website, and  structured system.

Web rideshare/carpooling will work locally as we accumulate more information about our work and social habits, and are able to structure options around that information, while also working to modify some habits so that rideshare/carpooling doesn't have to bend over backwards to be as flexible and wasteful as the current petrol age.

I think we need:

1. Discussion here and in the Blueskin News

2. Regular email updates to W3 Members

3. Use of the information on local transport practices we have from the Waitati Household Energy Use Survey done by the Otago Energy Research Centre team to start constructing a more structured rideshare facility.

4. Funding for a part-time position to oversee the organisation and running of the system, and to further develop local transport strategy in conjunction with the other TT initiatives.

These last two points (3 and 4) are effectively a ramping up of the W3 Rideshare. We could discuss this at the next meeting - it is a choice between informality and structure - but in the meantime well done Jackie for reinvigorating the W3 space!

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