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Protest against the loss of our community recycling service

To All Waiheke islanders and Friends everywhere.
Wednesday July 1st is Open day at the Ostend Transfer station, Waiheke Island.
if you are unaware of the fact that Waiheke has had its community recycling contract given to a wasteful multinational by Auckland City Council against the wishes of the community please see http://waihekedoesitbetter.org.nz
Please come along at 6:00 am or any time soon after to meet and greet TransPacific as they move onto the island to replace Clean Stream as our waste collectors.
There will be national media present. Radio, TV and Press. We would like a wide range of diverse people to turn up to show the strength of feeling about this change, and how the whole island is represented.
This will be a non violent protest. We will remain calm and well behaved but will show our feelings honestly and authentically. The message is that this change has been forced upon us against the constantly expressed will of the community. We are unhappy with the way this has been done by the City Council but are focussed on the bigger picture of building a sustainable Waiheke.
Please bring a bag of recyclable rubbish along to deliver to TPI for recycling and be prepared to ask whether they will be achieving the same standard of service as Clean Stream.
You can dress in junk-2-funk costumes, suits, or everyday clothes. be yourself. Bring banners or ribbons showing your name and asking relevant questions of Auckland City Council and TPI. some ideas below.
Bring warm clothes, a thermos, chairs, knitting etc. be prepared to stay as long as you can. There will be representatives of the island there all day - at least until 5pm.
The weather forecast looks good. Lets aim for it to be the the best positive public protest/event of the year in the country!
A message to TransPacific Industries, the new waste collector.
For the last ten years Waiheke islanders have enjoyed one of highest quality recycling systems in the country. Clean Stream achieved a high diversion rate, strong community engagement and education and great innovation. Can you do the same ?
The community does not want to go backwards in waste management and the standards and values already established should be maintained.
Please understand our commitment to waste reduction, genuine recycling and maximal reuse.
We want you to:
1. Not fall below the current diversion rate of 43% of waste, and provide us with plans to move to zero waste to landfill by 2015.
2. Commit to transparency and safety for the whole community.
3 Participate in informed and respectful dialog about our waste management aspirations.
3. Continue with community engagement to develop zero waste strategies.
4. Provide genuine mechanisms to update and report on progress.
5. Continue to deliver and enhance the recycling shop and demo yard as a resource for the whole community.
6. Continue to provide cardboard and mulch for community gardens
7. Continue to support zero waste events including Junk 2 Funk.
8. Not waste fuel and our organic resources by moving greenwaste off of the island.
9. Not waste fuel and get a good price for our recyclables by sorting waste on the island.
Location / Venue:
Ostend Transfer Station, Waiheke Island
Follow protest on Twitter
If you search waiheke on twitter today, you will be sure to see some updates popping up. Radio NZ already sent out a tweet at 6:17am.
Feel free to tweet support
If you have a twitter account (easy to get), you could tweet words of support for this campaign. Check out the support notes so far.
A couple of pics from protest
Sue Fitchet expresses the views of many
(pics by Greg Treadwell)
Those pictures can only be
Those pictures can only be viewed by logging into the site they came from