Lyttelton Time Bank workshop August 22

Anneleise Hall's picture

Lyttelton Time Bank Workshop

The Lyttelton Time Bank was the first Time Bank in New Zealand. It is run as a project within Project Lyttelton – a grass roots community group Time Banks started in the United States and have now spread worldwide. There is much interest nationally in Time Banking.

What is Time Banking? How does it work? What do you need and how do you set a time bank up in your own community? Policies and Guidelines? Reference Checking? How do you get members to trade?

Our workshop will answer all these questions and more.

Numbers are limited so please confirm your attendance to Julie at

Date and Time: Saturday 22nd August 2009, 10.00am - 4.30pm

Venue: The Portal, 54 Oxford St, Lyttelton (behind the Swimming Pool)

Bring: A Pot Lunch to share (Morning and Afternoon Tea Provided)

  • 10.00am - Welcome and Morning Tea
  • 10.15am - What is a Time Bank and How Does it Work?
  • 10.45am - What is needed to Set up a Time Bank?
      • Getting your Team Together / Key Roles

      • Protocols / Policies / Guidelines

      • Funding

  • 12.30pm – Lunch
  • 1.15pm - Introduction to Software (Community Weaver)
  • 2.00 pm - Trading
  • 3.00 Afternoon Tea
  • 3.15 Open forum
    • Questions, deeper discussion, establish support channels.

  • 4.30 Finish