Strong Sustainability for New Zealand

I saw this booklet at a gathering of The Natural Step last week in Nelson. It has a lot to recommend it, and when Denis Tegg brought it to my attention today, I thought it should be posted here on Transition Towns.

UNDESD/SANZ Think Tank paper principles and scenarios
Updated: 3 September 2009

NEW: PDF now available for download here. Press briefing (with audio) here.

The independently reviewed and published UNDESD/SANZ Think Tank paper, Strong Sustainability for New Zealand: Principles and Scenarios, has been officially released at a press briefing at the Science Media Centre in Wellington on 3 September 2009.

The 52-page booklet (pictured right) costs NZ$19.99 and can now be ordered from the publisher, Nakedize, or directly from us. From 14 September, you will also be able to order the booklet directly from us.

Rimu's picture

It's a great read

It's a great read. So many clear recommendations for changes in ways that just. make. sense.

However after reading it I truly realised how far we have to go and how big the task ahead of us is. I thought I had a handle on that before, but I didn't...

It's not that the changes themselves will be horrible or technically difficult, it's that the mental shift needed to perceive them as necessary and positive is quite big.

xxancroft's picture

Really appreciate this report

Really appreciate this report particularly with its Kiwi context.  Circulate to your friends and colleagues.