Koanga Institute Field Day

Koanga Institute Field Day
February Sunday 7th, 2010
Bookings are essential so we can tell you where to go.
9:00am - 11:00 am with Grant Paton (Environmental Fertilisers) in his research garden at Kerepehi and then
12:00am - 4:00pm with Jan and Rob Hammington (Seed Guardians for the Koanga Institute)
Koha to the Institute (we will look after our hosts)

This is an exciting first for us. We are holding field days in the Kerepehi and Hamilton areas.
We will meet at 9:00at Grants Paton's research garden ( of Environmental Fertilsers fame) where Grant will show us what he's up to and we can have a really good discussion with one of the leading edge people in this land around "How to Grow Nutrient Dense Food". Grant had phenominal results in his research garden last summer and has agreed to open it for Koanga Institute members this summer. We will leave there around 11:00 and go on to have a barbeque lunch put on by Jan and Rob Hammington in their garden near Hamilton. Rob has been a seed multiplier for the Institute for years, and has recently stepped up his efforts and is now a Seed Guardian taking on the growing out of a Brassica line each year, as well as a broad bean, a dwarf bean, a pea and a carrot.
This will be a great opportunity to check out what they are doing to help save out seeds, and learn more about the work of the Institute. Bob will cover the Education Programs we are running as well as the Research we are doing in the Appropriate Technology, Sustainable Living  fields. I'll talk about where we are at with saving the seeds and trees and there will be plenty of time for questions and discussions.Looking forward to seeing some new faces!!!

Field day


I am interested in attending your field day, are there any spaces left?



Helen Lagerstedt